Chapter 18

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After finishing the painting of Dracula's first wife I tucked it away knowing he won't find it in a certain spot. The animal painting I framed and went to take it to Dennis. Dennis was surprised by the gift and loved it deeply. He went to find a place to hang it with my mom. Tomorrow was Lucy and Carl's wedding. I wandered downstairs. I was heading towards the doors when Lucy stopped me in my tracks.

"THERE YOU ARE!" She called, breathless. "Would you like to be my maid of honour?"

"I would love to Lucy," I replied, smiling brightly.

I carefully dodged her spikes as she hugged me. I patted her back and hugged her back carefully. She pulled back and went off to find Carl. Her fiancé. I watched her go. Dracula walked up behind me. He startled me when he spoke.

"What was that about?" He asked, watching Lucy.

"Geez!" I squeaked. "Lucy just asked me to be her maid of honour.."

"Then we need to get you into dress fitting so we can get it all ready for tomorrow," Dracula explained.

I nodded at him. He placed a hand on my back and lead me away. He took the measurements himself since he didn't like that the zombies or anyone touching my body. I didn't move as he took the measurements. He wrote them down in a little book. When he was done I turned but I lost my footing on the little foot stool. I squeaked as I feel backwards. I closed my eyes ready to hit the floor when strong arms caught me. I opened my eyes and Dracula looked down at me. A blush crept across my cheeks and down my neck. Dracula smiles at me and I smiled back at him. My heart was pounding in my chest. I licked my lips. I couldn't take the feeling anymore and I guess neither could Dracula. He quickly took me back to our room. He kicked the door closed. He locked it with telekinesis. He kissed me and I kissed back. My hands tangled themselves into his hair as the kiss deepened. Dracula licked my bottom lip asking for access but I teasingly refused. Dracula lays me on the bed and gives my butt a firm but playful squeeze. The blush darkened as a soft gasp escaped my lips. Dracula slides in his tongue. I fought his but he won for dominance. He pulled back slightly.

"I'm a virgin," I whispered, embarrassed.

"I'll be gentle," Dracula whispers back.

I sucked in a deep breath and then I brought him back into another deep passionate kiss. Quickly we both stripped of our clothing.


I woke up early. Dracula's arms were wrapped around my frame. The nights events came flooding back to me and the dark blush returned. I sat up slowly and climbed out of the bed. I went to the bathroom and did my daily morning routine.

I tied my hair back into a simple ponytail

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I tied my hair back into a simple ponytail. I slipped out of the room and went down to get some breakfast as my stomach growled.

After eating breakfast Mavis came to me.

"Dress fitting and rehearsal before the wedding," She explained.

"Alright," I replied, nodding.

"Have you seen my dad?" She asked. "He was suppose to be helping Carl."

"He must be still in bed. He had a long night," I explained.

"I swear I need to book him that vacation..." Mavis mutters.

"Why don't you I mean we could book one after the wedding?" I offered.

"Yeah. I'll look into everything," Mavis Agreed. "Dad probably won't like it but it would be great for him."


We went to the rehearsal and dress fitting. The green dress suited me well. After changing back we went straight to the rehearsal. Shortly Dracula was standing with Carl at the rehearsal. The maid of honour lead the bridesmaids down the isle first. Dracula looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him. Lucy came down next with Mavis.

"Wow," I breathed. "Everything looks great."

Dracula and Mavis smiles proudly at all their hard work. Lucy and Carl nods in agreement. After all that I went to take a nap since I was feeling tired and I need to feel refreshed for the wedding later tonight.

After my nap I rushed down to the brides room to get ready for the wedding and help Lucy get ready.

"Wow Lucy! You look stunning," I commented.

"Thank you," She whispers.

Slowly before the wedding started Lucy started to break down with wedding jitters. Mavis and I tried calm her down. Finally she calmed down and the wedding continued. I walked down the isle first then the other maids followed. We stood and watched as Lucy walked down the isle. Dracula was staring at me during the whole thing. I glanced at him and winked. He smirks.

After the ceremony there was an amazing after party. Everyone was dancing until a slow song came on over. The bride and groom invited all the couples onto the dance floor. Dracula walks over to me.

"May I have this dance?" Dracula asks.

"Yes, you may," I replied.

He holds his hand out to me and I take it. We turn to the dance floor. We found a small spot. As we danced to the song we slowly started to levitate into the air about shoulder height to everyone else. Dracula pulled me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced. Dracula's arms held me close protectively.

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