Chapter 1

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I walked into the hotel and looked around slowly. I chewed on my bottom lip as some monsters turned to look at me. A light embarrassed blush formed on my cheeks. I held my head up high and walked towards the front desk. I went to speak and check myself in but they already had me checked in and even given me my room number.

"Thank you," I muttered, softly under my breath.

I turned and started towards the stairs to head up to my room but a little red headed boy bumped into my legs. He fell backwards onto the ground. I gasped softly and bent down to his level to help him to his feet.

"Are you alright?" I quickly, asked concerned.

He looked up at me and gave me a big smile.

"I'm okay," he responded.

A short black haired Vampire rushed over to his. She scooped the boy up into her arms.

"Dennis! Are you okay?" She questioned.

"I'm okay Mommy! I wasn't watching where I was going..." Dennis explained.

The girl looked at me and forced a smile. She eyed me up and down. I shifted uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Hello," I greeted, uneasily.

"Hi," The girl responded, kinda coldly.

"Mommy she is the one I bumped into," Dennis explained.

"It's okay. No harm done," I replied. "It's nice to meet you Dennis but I have to run to check into my room then go to my tennis lesson. Farewell!"

I turned and used my Vampire speed to my hotel room.

Dracula's Pov:
I wondered downstairs only to find Mavis and her husband, Jonathan in the lobby whispering to each other. I froze mid step. I took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. I hated the thought of her being married to a human but it was too late now. He was her zing and I couldn't stop it. I walked over to them and forced a smile at Jonathan.

"What are yous doing here in the lobby?" I asked.

"Dennis wanted to see his friends. After all his birthday is two weeks away. He wanted to invite them himself. I still cannot believe he has started walking..." Mavis gushed.

"Where is Dennis?" Jonathan wondered.

I turned sharply when I heard the gasp and so did Mavis. A woman in a dark purple gown bent to Dennis. Mavis rushed over to his aid and cradled the boy. I stood frozen staring at the lovely woman. Something in me broke when she rushed up the stairs. My heart was pounding in my chest. 'What is happening to me?' I shook the feeling off and turned back to the two.

"So you both are throwing the boy a birthday party?" I asked.

"Of course!" Mavis replied.

"We'll invite everyone in the hotel. It would be a blast!" Jonathan offered.

Dennis squealed in happiness of thought of everyone coming to his party.

Later that day:
I stretched my aching limbs from the tennis lesson, tango lesson and so on. I chewed on my bottom lip as I went into my hotel room for a quick shower. After my shower I wrapped the towel around myself and went to change into something more comfortable. I dressed into a black and red gown.

I brushed my hair with the help of my telekinesis

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I brushed my hair with the help of my telekinesis. I braided my hair over my shoulder. Once I was done I walked over to my balcony. I felt kinda bored and lonely. I flipped over the railing before shifting into my bat form. I flew into the air and started to play in the soft large puffy clouds that formed about the hotel. I wasn't the only one in the clouds. A black bat with red eyes was also flying around. I landed on the cloud to my surprise it held my weight. I watched the other bat quietly before it turned and spotted me watching. I squeaked in surprise and quickly took to the air. I stopped when the black bat blocked my path. We looked at each other in silence before I felt something in me jump with joy. My heart was beating fast which made my chest hurt.

"H-Hi?" I stuttered, shyly.

"Hello?" The male, greeted.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Dracula. Owner of this hotel. Who are you?" He replied.

"I'm Alessandro" I replied, shyly. "Or Ally for short."

Dracula smiles. He shook his head and coughed awkwardly. I giggled softly.

"I'll see you around Dracula," I said, sweetly.

I turned and flew back towards the hotel to my bedroom. Once I landed in my room. I walked over to the phone to order myself some dinner before I went to another one of my many dance class sessions.

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