Chapter 22

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I sucked a deep breath as a new song came on. I was jumping and moving to the beat.

Mavis POV:
I could see Ally. She was dancing alone. Something deep in my stomach made me feel sick. I was hurt for her. When she turned that's when I took in her shape. Her stomach was a little bigger than I remember and she was drinking more blood than usual. I drank less for Dennis when I was pregnant. Then it clicked. OH MY GOODNESS! I spun around in the direction of my dad. He has no idea what he is leaving behind! She hasn't told him... My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Dad!" I called, over the roar of the music, and screaming crowd.

I moved towards him.

"Dad!" I called, again.

He turned to me.

"We need to talk. About Ally," I insisted.

"What is there to talk about?" He asked, sadly.

"Dad, Ally is pregnant," I stated, not beating around the bush. "That's why she's been passing out lately.. She needs to drink more blood because it is your baby!"

I watched as my dad froze. He was doing the mental checks before he turns towards her direction.

"Dad, you have to talk to her. I know you love the sea caption but Ally loves you more..." I whispered.

He stares at Ally.

"Maybe you two will have a happy ending?" I offered.

He nods.

"Maybe?" He replied, in a low tone. "Maybe."

Ally's Pov:

I continued to dance until I was swept away into the crowd. That's when the music stopped. A man I heard of many times before appeared. Everyone gasped in horror at the sight of him. Dracula walks forward trying to figure out the figure before him. Slowly it clicked. That's when Erika walked up beside him as he holds her precious 'heirloom.'  She explained who she was to his enemy. He opened the heirloom and pulled out an old piece of paper. My own heart was beating like a jack hammer. He started to play the tune written on the paper. The kraken from earlier showed up with glowing red eyes.

"EVERYONE GET OUT NOW!" I yelled, over the loud music.

Everyone turned and started running towards the only exit. I turned to face the kraken when Dracula and Mavis rushes over to me.

"You have to leave," Mavis stated.

"I am not leaving you both to deal with this alone," I stated, bluntly.

Dracula grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him.

"Do not leave for us," He says. "Leave for the safety of our unborn child."

I was surprised that he knew of our child. Who would have told him? Is my stomach becoming more noticeable? I swallowed the lump in my throat and nods at him. He gave my shoulders a soft squeeze before releasing me. But running was too late. The kraken broke the bridge across. I turned to see the kraken's tentacle coming down again. I used my vampire speed and moved everyone out of the way. I tried to catch my breath. I turned when I heard Dennis and Winnie cry out.

"No!" I gasped.

I moved swiftly. I grabbed the tentacle of the kraken and gripped it hard. It cried out and released the kids.

"GO!" I yelled.

Dennis grabs Winnie's hand and takes her away quickly.  The kraken grabbed me with his tentacle. I gasped and struggled in its hold. It screeches loudly as it holds me up into the air after destroying nearly everything. I heard yells below me. My vision blurred. I saw Dracula try and stop Abraham but he was stopped by the Kraken. I blinked away the dizziness. I broke free of the kraken and flew towards the Kraken. I punched it hard in the face with all my remaining strength. It released Dracula and Mavis. The two looked towards the Kraken. Erika saves Dracula from falling into the water. After he came to he was pulled away by Jonathan. As the kraken held me again I began to sing.

"She was 19 with a baby on the way
On the East-side of the city, she was working every day," I began. "Cleaning dishes in the evening, she could barely stay awake. She was clinging to the feeling that her luck was gonna change."

The kraken's eyes returned to their normal colour as I continued to sing the familiar song that I had adored.

As the kraken returned to normal it dropped me as Abraham played the evil song again, it caught me. I heard a yell as I was caught again. I couldn't fight no longer. The kraken dove into the water taking me with it. I dropped me blow the waves and returned to the surface. My eyes slowly closed as I saw a dark figure swim towards me.

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