Chapter 13

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That morning Johnny knocked on my hotel room door. I tiredly climbed out of bed and pulled the house coat around my frame. I opened the door and looked at the human male drowsily. Dennis in his arms and a red leash behind him with his large pet.

"Can you take Dennis to school for me?" Johnny Asked. "Mavis is sleeping since her and Dracula were up late talking over details of that wedding..I have to run down and check the hotel."

"Yes, Of course!" I replied. "Just let me get changed!" 

I closed the door softly and rushed around my room quickly. I brushed my hair and changed quickly. I styled my hair into a fishtail braid and threw on a cute purple skirt with a matching top with black heeled boots to match.

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I applied a bit of lip gloss and was quickly out the door

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I applied a bit of lip gloss and was quickly out the door. Johnny handed me the dog leash and a half asleep Dennis before rushing away at human speed to the lobby of the hotel.

"Alright," I said, mostly to myself. "Let's get going."

I lead Tinkles out the door dodging any skeletons along the way. As I walked down a short path in the woods towards Dennis's school as Tinkles followed happily along Dennis began to slowly wake up fully.

"Good morning, sweet heart," I said, smiling. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mmhm," Dennis muttered, drowsily.

I giggled softly and continued to walk on.

"Why don't you burn in the light like mom or my grandpa?" Dennis asked, eyeing me over.

"Because I'm not like your mom or your grandpa. I'm... Im a.." I paused for a second. "I'm.. a hybrid."

"What's a hybrid?" Dennis Asked.

"A hybrid is a mix of both vampire and werewolf blood," I explained, simply. "My parents were vampire and werewolf. I'm the only living hybrid."

"Wow. So your rare right?" Dennis Asked.

"I guess so," I answered, giving him a playful wink.

Dennis giggled and pats my shoulder.

"My grandpa is lucky to have met you," He says.

My aches. He is the cutest kid Ever! Your going to make a young woman lucky. I thought smiling. Once we reached Dennis's school I set him down. We walked hand in hand over to his school. Thankfully he wasn't late.

"I'll be back to pick up," I said, bending down to his level. "I'm just gonna take Tinkles home and I'll be back to pick you up at 3."

"Okay Grandma!" Dennis replied.

He gave me a quick surprise hug which I returned before he raced inside. I stood up and started walking back to the hotel. Tinkles stopping to take a quick leak here and there. I walked inside the hotel and set Tinkles loose. He raced away to go find his chew toy that Dracula had gotten for him. I walked over to the desk where an angry human was screaming at the zombies who stood staring at them.

"I'm terrible sorry, here let me handle this," I said, shooing the dumbfound zombie away.

It wondered off and I quickly calmed the female down. I spoke calmly and sternly.

"Here you are ma'am. Again terrible sorry about that," I said, once more.

The woman waved me off. I snapped my fingers and zombies picked up her luggage. They escorted her up to her room. More people flooded over to me and I sighed softly before forcing a kind smile.

3 hours after listening to complaints and reassuring everyone well getting them checked in. My brain was aching and my back was killing me. My fingers were sore from typing on a new computer as well as writing stuff down. A hand reached out and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I turned sharply and Dracula stood behind me smirking.

"How long were you standing there?" I asked, blushing.

"Long enough," Dracula answers, taking a step close.

My heartbeat picked up as I backed up into the desk. My breath caught in my throat as I smelt Dracula's scent. Dracula smirks as arms pinned me to the desk. He leaned close and I could feel his hot breath on my skin. It sent shivers over my body. Goosebumps formed. Slowly but roughly he kissed me. It was a deep passionate kiss. My hands slowly slid up his chest and my fingers tangled themselves into his shirt pulling him closer. He pulled back slightly. His forehead resting against mine.

"I never loved you any more than I do, right this second. And I'll never love you any less than I do," Dracula whispered.

"I love you," I whispered, back.

We shared another passionate kiss before voice rang out behind us.


A group of laughter could be heard following. We pulled apart. A darker blush formed on my cheeks.

"Jeez Dracula," I giggled. "You got moves I give you that."

Dracula chuckled and rolled his eyes. He stood beside me and together for the next two hours we helped monsters along with humans to get settled into the hotel. At 2pm I glanced at the clock.

"I have to run and pick up Dennis from school," I said, turning to Drac. "I'll be back in two shakes of a rattle snack."

Drac nods and smiles softly. We shared a quick kiss before I raced off with vampire speed out the door. I arrived at the school as the bell rang a couple minutes early. Dennis walked out of the school with a piece of white paper in his right hand. He spots me quickly and rushes over. I bent down and scooped him into my arms. I spun him around which caused him to yell with excitement. I laughed and stopped.

"What do you have there?" I asked, eyeing the paper.

Dennis holds it out and shows me the picture he drew of the hotel. He points to each stick figure and names them off one by one.

"Wow Dennis! You are a little artist aren't you?" I asked.

Dennis blushes and shakes his head. I smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek.

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