Chapter 10

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The next few days were eventful. Mavis and Jonathan once again went to visit Jonathan's parents. Dennis was in the care of me since Dracula was extremely busy with arrangements with the wedding which is just a two weeks away and managing the hotel. I was growing slightly nervous. I shook the feeling off as I watched Dennis play on the floor with his new toys that I had gotten him later that day since the sun doesn't effect me. Dennis started to grow tired since he had a long day. I got up from my seat and scooped him up into my arms.

"Come on sweet-pea. Let's get those fangs brushed before bed," I said, softly.

Dennis tiredly rubs at his eyes and nods in agreement. I carried him to the bathroom. Dennis grabbed his toothbrush and got his fangs brushed. I got the Skype call ready for him so he can say goodnight to his parents. Once Dennis was done in the bathroom. He crawled into the bed and I tucked him in. Mavis finally answered and greeted her son warmly. They talked for a few before wishing each other goodnight. I planted a soft kiss on Dennis's head before he fell asleep. I placed the phone on the nightstand before I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I turned to see Dracula smiling softly down at me. I smiled back at him.

"Long day?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Very long," He Agreed.

He turned and flicked on Dennis's nightlight before leading me out of the bedroom. He closed the door quietly and than turned to face me. He smiled warmly.

"How are the arrangements coming?" I asked.

"The arrangements are completed. Now we prepare and get ready for our wedding," Dracula replied, happily. "You still have to get your dress."

"I know. Hopefully Mavis will be back soon to help me look. I am a little nervous and exited," I replied, blushing madly.

"Haven't you asked her yet?" Dracula asked.

"No, I haven't. I'm waiting until after she gets home from her trip," I explained.

Dracula nods and slide his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him as I leaned into his arms. A knock came to the door. Dracula groaned and sighed softly. I giggled softly.

"I'll see you again shortly," He promised.

"I'll be around," I replied, smiling.

Dracula smirks and nuzzled my cheek before planting a soft peck on my lips. He quickly left the room afterwards. I smiled softly and glanced at the door. I went to clean up the room a little. Mavis and Jonathan would be returning home tomorrow so I was going to ask Mavis to be my bridesmaid while she helped me find my wedding gown. I took a deep breath and shook the nervous feeling off again. I finished cleaning and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower. Once I was done with the shower I turned the hot water off and wrapped a towel around my wet body frame. I got myself dressed.

I brushed my hair back into a tight ponytail

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I brushed my hair back into a tight ponytail. I hung the towel back up and left the bathroom. I sat down on the couch and rested my head on the back of the couch as I stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes. My body relaxed a little. I guess I had drifted off to sleep.

Dracula's Pov:
I walked into Mavis's and Jonathan's small apartment in the hotel. I had made it just for them when they had gotten married. It was midnight when I entered. I closed the door softly behind me as I glanced around the dimly light room. My eyes landed on the figure sitting on the couch with their head resting on the back of the couch. I slowly made my way closer to see Ally sleeping peacefully in an uncomfortable position. I chuckled softly. I carefully bent and scooped her up bridal style into my arms. I carried her to the spare bedroom in the small apartment. I walked over to the bed and gently laid her down on it. I covered her up and than turned to close the heavy dark curtains so the sunlight won't bother us. I turned back to Ally. I stripped of my cloak, jacket and white shirt. I hung them up before removing my shoes. I climbed into the bed beside Ally and pulled her close to me. I watched her sleep for a few minutes before I closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep much that night since I knew Dennis would be up early for school.

When Dennis woke up I slipped out of bed and got dressed to take care of him. I told Dennis that we had to be quiet so Ally could sleep a little longer.

Ally's Pov:

I woke up around 1am and rolled over slightly. I opened my eyes to see Dracula sleeping beside me. A bright blush formed on my cheeks. I slid a little closer to him and nuzzled against his neck. My hand slid over his bare chest.

I woke up again at 6:55am. I could hear two people in the other room. I slowly sat up and climbed out of bed trying not to make a sound. I made my way over to the door and slowly pulled it open. I peeked out to see Dennis and Dracula on the couch watching one of Dennis's favourite cartoons. I slowly slipped out of the bedroom. I moved quickly and quietly over to the couch and leaned down a little between them.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

Dennis jumped startled in surprise. His eyes went wide.

"How?" He gasped.

Dracula and I laughed. We smiled at him.

"You'll learn to sneak up on us," Dracula says.

"You'll also learn how to know when we sneak up on you," I said, laughing softly.

Dennis smiles and jumped up on the couch.

"Cool!" He announced, excitedly.

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