Chapter 32

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We pull apart but remain in each others embrace. I take in Dracula's scent. I close my eyes and let it engulf me. Dracula gently pulls me firmly against him. My heart was beating like a bat wanting to escape from its enclosure. I sighed softly in content before opening my eyes. A little blush crept up my neck. I looked up at him.

"I guess it's time we head back in," I muttered. "Don't want to leave the everyone waiting do we? I think Johnny is just about done with his 'special' surprises."

Dracula sighs softly and nods. I could tell he didn't really want to go back.

"Do we have to?" Dracula asks. "I just want to stay out here a few seconds longer..."

A smile spread across my lips.

"You promised already," I replied. "Come. It won't be that bad. I promise."

Dracula sighs heavier this time but releases me. We walk inside together. Hand in hand. He stops at our table. He plants a kiss on my cheek before he heads back stage to prepare for his announcement. I sat down my in my seat and glanced at Mavis. She was fidgeting in her seat.

"You look chipper," I comment.

"I'm just excited," Mavis replied. "How is dad?"

"Better than he was," I replied. "He's happy and content.."

I glanced around the room. I spotted a zombie waiter with a tray of drinks. I waved him over. The zombie groans and shuffles in my direction. Once he reached the table I grabbed a new drink from the tray. I sipped it and nodded my approval. The zombie groans and shuffles away again.

"I think he's mostly nervous. Never know how tonight is gonna turn out," I said, tilting my head slightly. "Hey. Where is Johnny? I thought he'd be over here with you after his performance?"

"Just went for a walk. He wanted to blow off some of his energy. He'd be back shortly," Mavis replied.

"I hope so. I don't want him missing Dracula's special announcement," I replied, smiling gently.

Mavis nods in agreement and shifts in her seat. I sip my drink and glance around the room again. Vlad was dancing with some witch who was giggling the whole time. They seemed cute together until I remembered the warning and my heart broke a little. How could the monster council make Dracula choose? It's modern times. People can't really hurt monsters now. Could they? I turned away quickly and looked at the stage. My mind racing with concerned thoughts.

"Is everything okay?" Mavis asked.

I blinked and looked at her. She had leaned close and placed a hand on my shoulder. She had a concerned look on her features.

"I'm fine. Just lost in thought," I explained, forcing a smile. "Just thinking."

Mavis eyes me over before smiling. I sipped my drink and looked around again wearily.

"I should go on your fa-"

Blobby went to the stage and made some noises. Then the lights lowered and the stage lights hit the stage as the curtains opened. Dracula stood paralyzed in the middle of the stage. He walked forward but I could see he was uncomfortable. Suddenly I had a bad gut feeling within in my stomach as everyone cheered for Dracula. I flicked my wrist and froze everyone including Mavis. I stood up.

"What is wrong Dracula?" I asked. "Are you having second thoughts about giving the hotel now?"

Dracula looks at me. He looked pained.

"Johnny found out and cornered me," Dracula explained. "I lied and told him I couldn't give the hotel to him. So I guess I am..."

"Oh Dracula," I muttered. "We have no other choice remember?"

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