Chapter 23

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I woke back in the hotel. I blinked a couple of times. The lights were out in the room. That's when I realized I was in Dracula's room. My heart broke into a billion pieces. I slowly rose from the bed. I changed my clothes quickly.

I moved around the room slowly

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I moved around the room slowly. I packed all my things away. I propped the painting I had created for Dracula on his dresser. I swallowed the lump in the throat. I lightly touched it before moving away. I grabbed my bags and left the room quickly. I walked down to the lobby. Dracula was first to spot me. He rushed over to me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, gripping my shoulders.

"I am leaving," I replied, simply. "You love Erika, Dracula. I loved you. I still do. I am leaving so you won't have to chose because I have chosen for you."

Dracula stares down at me.

"But Ally..." He began.

"No.." I replied, sighing. "I am not your zing. You played me like a fool but I went along with it.. Dracula I love you But I believe your destiny isn't with me. It is with Erika."

I lightly touched his cheek. He closed his eyes as the tears formed. I could feel mine rolling down my cheeks. I ran my thumb against his cool skin.

"I love you Dracula... But this is a goodbye," I whispered.

I moved my hand away and planted a kiss on his cheek. I slipped the engagement ring into his hand. I swiftly left before he or I could do something reckless which would make me stay. I moved swiftly to waiting carriage. I placed my bags on the roof and tied them down with a flick of my wrist. I climbed in and the way it went. I nestled into the seat and closed my eyes. I covered my face with my hands. I sobbed endless into them until there was no more tears. I did not return home to my family nor did I want to return to the hotel.

"Stop," I whispered/yelled.

The carriage rolled to a stop. I climbed out and grabbed my bags. I looked back  at the hotel. My heart dropped to the pit in my stomach. I placed a hand over my already two month pregnancy bump.

"It is just us now, my darling.." I whispered. "I promise to protect you and love you unconditional."

I looked down at the bump and smiles softly. I turned on my heel and disappeared deep into the woods.

Dracula's Pov:

I kept my eyes closed as I felt Ally slip something cold into my hand. Nothing around us mattered anymore as my own cold heart shattered. I opened my eyes and Ally was gone. Why didn't I stop her? Why didn't I tell her how much I truly loved her? I slowly opened my hand and the ring I had given her glimmered in my palm but it also looked sad. I looked up to see Erika.

"Dracula!" She called, throwing her arms around me.

"Erika can I talk to you on the roof for a minute?" I asked, in a quiet tone.

"Sure," She Agreed.

I held the ring in my palm as I walked up to the roof. I sat down and Erika sat down beside me. I sucked in the a deep breath and before I knew it Erika thought the ring was for her and she 'accepted' the marriage proposal. My shoulders slumped and a soft smile danced on my lips. We both left the roof. I left Erika to look around the hotel. I went to my room. I walked in and that's when I saw it. The painting sitting on my dresser. Beside it was the one Ally had painted. I moved closer to get a better look. It had Ally's initials on the bottom right corner of both paintings. I picked it up and turned it slowly.

To my dearest love for our wedding day.

My heart broke more as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"What have I done?" I asked, myself aloud.

Behind the large one was painting of them. He placed the paintings back and he rushes downstairs to ask his friends to help him search for Ally.

A week later:

No one has seen or heard from Ally. I paced the floor of my room. Mavis was planning mine and Erika's wedding. I looked out the window of my room. My heart hurt each we searched. Where could she be?

Ally's POV:

Ally's POV:

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I walked outside

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I walked outside. My baby bump was a little bigger now, it looked about 4 months, but the baby is slowly slowing down on the rapid growing. The cabin was over grown but beautiful anyway. I had planted flowers here and there to freshen it up. I heard the sounds of my barn yard animals. It was up in the mountains near a local village. I had a shop in town where I sold baked goods and healing herbs. The village was old and uncommon to the modern world which was fine by me. I walked down the path towards the the village. I unlocked the door to my shop, when I arrived, and I went inside. I quickly got started on making fresh bread, muffins and so on. I hummed as I worked. The door opened and I did not turn to see who it was.

"Hello, Vlad," I greeted, turning to look at him.

"Hello, Ally," Vlad responded.

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