Chapter 8

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After the birthday party and everything was cleaned up Dennis went up to bed with his mom and dad. Dracula spun me around to face him. I giggled softly and placed my hands against his chest. He looked down at me as I looked up at him. He leaned down close. We kissed deeply and passionately. We broke part after a few minutes. There was very few people around as Dracula dropped to one knee. He pulled out a small black and gold box. My eyes widened at the sight of him.

"My dear, will you make me the happiest vampire in this hotel by becoming my wife?" Dracula asked, shyly as he opened the box to expose a beautiful ring inside.

I took note of his dark red cheeks

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I took note of his dark red cheeks. I smiled softly and nodded happily.

"Yes, Yes I would love to Dracula," I replied, happily.

He climbed to his feet and slipped the ring onto my finger. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him as I looked at the red engagement ring. Another bigger smile formed on my lips as I felt him hug me back. He pulled back from the hug and took my hand in his. He lead me inside the hotel and to my room. I planted a kiss on his cheek before I disappeared into my room before the sun rose over the forest and the small village. I made sure the curtains were closed. I changed into my pajamas. I went to bed after brushing my teeth, my hair and putting my dirty clothes in a hamper to be washed.

Next day:

I woke hearing a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called, yawning tiredly.

"Dennis!" Dennis called, happily.

I flicked my wrist unlocking the door and allowing it to swing open. Dennis rushed into the room and jumped onto the bed. I sat up slowly and smiled at him.

"Someone is happy," I commented. "What are you doing today?"

"Well I wanted to go flying but Grandpa and Mom are busy. Dad doesn't fly.. So I came to ask you," Dennis explained.

"I would love to fly with you. I just need to get changed," I replied, happily.

Dennis grinned and cheered before he left the room so I could change into something more appropriate like a red and black tank top, Black jeans and red heeled boots to match. I tied my hair up into a tight ponytail. I left the room and locked the door behind me. Dennis grabbed my hand and we walked down the stairs together then out through the front door. I lead Dennis outside. We shifted into our bat forms and took to the sky. We played around in the clouds for a while until Mavis came looking for Dennis in her own bat form. She was black like her dad but had blue eyes like her mother's. Dennis was hiding in a large puffy part of a cloud. I flew in the air and looked around slowly. I sneak up on him and tickled him. He started laughing. Mavis flew towards us.

"Dennis," Mavis called. "It is time for bed."

Dennis and I flew out of the fluffy clouds towards her. Mavis turned to look at us.

"Okay Mom. Bye Ally!" Dennis says, tiredly.

"Goodnight Dennis," I replied, smiling softly.

Mavis and Dennis flew back towards the hotel. I turned to look at the moon. It was a quarter moon tonight but it still looked beautiful. I heard something behind me and I turned to see Dracula flying over to me. His red eyes light up as he spotted me sitting on the cloud. He landed beside me.

"There you are!" Dracula cried, happily. "I've been looking for you.."

"I've been here playing with Dennis before Mavis came to get him for bed.." I explained, laughing softly.

He nods slowly and looked at the moon as we both fell silent.

"So.. I noticed today is your last day at the hotel.." Dracula says, slowly sounding a little hurt.

"Yes, I don't want to go but I have to head home," I said, sadly looking down.

"Why don't you stay a little longer? You can live with me and my family at the hotel!" Dracula offered, quickly.

"Thank you Dracula, but I don't want to be a bother," I replied, simply with a shrug.

"You won't be a bother. You are my fiancé. You'll live in the hotel. With me," Dracula says, simply. "And that's final!"

I giggled softly and nuzzled against his neck. Dracula wrapped his wing around me as I snuggled closer to his bat form. Dracula held me close against him.

"Why don't we go back? It is getting late and you must be hungry..."


Together we flew back to the hotel. The flight was fun since we would race each other. Once we landed on his balcony we changed back into our human forms. Dracula took my hand and lead me into his room. I held his hand as I looked around the room slowly. It was large and dark but simple. Dracula gave my hand a light squeeze. I looked at him and smiled softly. He held my hand to his lips and planted a soft kiss on the back of my hand. I slowly started to feel tired. Dracula chuckled lightly.

"Why don't you get changed into something more comfortable for bed?" He offered, smirking more.

I gave a brief bob of my head before wondering to get my bags from my room. When I returned Dracula was in the bathroom getting ready for bed himself. I quickly unpacked my pajamas and got changed into them. I crawled into bed and nuzzled against the soft fluffy pillows. Dracula walked out of the bathroom and came over to the bed. He laid down beside me and wrapped an arm around my frame pulling me close to him. I snuggled into him and slowly started to drift asleep curled up against him.

Hello readers,
I'm sorry to announce but I will not have wifi until Feb 21st. The wifi we had before was total rip because the company we were using ripped us off so we have switched our wifi to a different one but the company won't come until the 21st.
I will be using my data to upload or publish some new stories/chapters once a week.
Sucks I know. But do not fear! I am working on more chapters for this story! 😸
Let's just hope the servers are up and working so I could do so.. 😸 Haha! If you have any ideas for a chapter please comment them below and credits will be given!

Thank you!
Chow, my little monsters! 🖤

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