Chapter 25

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We flew a few miles before the sun started to rise. We took shelter in cave waiting for the day to end and night to come. Vlad kept telling me to leave him behind since I could travel through the day without a problem and he could meet up with me during the night but I refused since I wasn't going to leave him behind. I chewed on my bottom lip as Vlad slept beside me. I was worrying about Dracula and all the other monsters at the hotel. How was Erika and her grandfather going to kill all the monsters? Will it harm the humans at the ceremony too? Are they gonna kill the humans too? No! They won't do that... they aren't like that. My thoughts raced a mile a minute as my heart thumped in my chest. Night shortly broke. We took the air again. I pushed myself to go faster as we flew through the clouds. My body was exhausted from the flying and the lack of sleep that and the tiny baby I carry. Vlad would keep checking on me as we went. Shortly the hotel came into view. We could hear the music playing. My mouth ran dry. I followed Vlad's lead as we dove towards the noise. It was coming from the ball room. We flew in through the open window. I transformed a few feet before Dracula and Erika. The music stopped and silence filled the room. I turned towards Dracula. His eyes traveled from my face to my large baby bump.

Dracula's POV:
My father flew in from the open window. I hadn't noticed the brown blue eyed bat behind him until she landed before me. The clouds parted enough to let a couple strays of moonlight through. It shone down on her like a spot light. My heart stopped in my throat. She turned to look at me. My eyes slowly lowered and I took in the large stomach. My mouth ran dry. Just as I was about to speak she spoke.


Monsters gasped and whispered amongst themselves. Some doubted her, others believed her.

"SHE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Someone called.

More yells rang out. Before she could say another word an ancient dagger was plugged into her chest from behind.

"NO!" I yelled, jumping forward.

I caught Ally's in my arms as her body fell limp against me. Erika removed the dagger from her back. Blood dripped from it onto the stone floors. Other monsters stood in an uproar and in shock. I quickly took Ally away into a deep secret part of the castle. I laid her down gently on the bed. She reached out and grabbed my arm gently. I gently placed my hand over hers.

"Dracula..." she whispered, in a pain. "You must save our baby...."

My heart jumped into my throat. Tears threatened to fall but I blinked them away. I wanted to remain strong for her.

"You will not die Ally," I stated, bluntly. "You both will."

I planted a kiss against her wrist. Ally's head rolled to the side. Quickly I got to work on saving my unborn child. Minutes had passed. Mavis, Dennis, Jonathan and everyone had gathered in the lobby of the hotel. Erika and her grandfather had escaped before the monsters had the chance to get them. I held my tiny daughter in my arms wrapped in a blanket. I walked down the stairs. Everyone turned to look at me. Mavis steppes forward. Her face was twisted with worry and concern.

"... Dad?..." she whispered.

I looked at her as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't speak and no words came out as I opened my mouth. Mavis's face fell.

"" She whispered.

Everyone quickly understood. Ally was gone. Everyone held each other. Many cried. Many frowned and muttered soft apologizes. The mood had shifted to a dark one.

Ally's Pov:
I looked around slowly. It was only pitch black. Where am I? I need to wake up! My baby...Dracula!! I need to save my family and friends. I need to be there for them! I need to get up! I forced myself to regain my senses but I couldn't open my eyes. I could hear them. All of them in the lobby. At the sound of their voices. I began to move and open my eyes. A gasp escaped my lips as my eyes flew open.

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