Chapter 35

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I wipe a cloth over Johnny's forehead as Mavis pilots the blimp towards the hotel. We had flown for went felt like hours. Johnny had finished his transition and was resting now. He was pale but that was normal. I glanced up when I heard gasps. I rushed and looked out the window.

"My hotel!" Exclaimed Dracula. "IT IS DESTROYED! WHAT HAPPENED?"

I frowned deeply. The hotel was indeed ruins and flames danced in places. My eyes widened in horror at the sight of the giant monster pet that me and Mavis had trapped in pipes came from within the hotel. Dracula jumped out of the blimp with the ray and turned the monstrous pet into its real form. It was a tiny purple hamster. I quickly followed Dracula out as he stood in the middle of the hotel ruins. My heart ached for him as I looked around slowly. Out of the rubble came Abraham, Dennis, Vlad, Winnie and Shy. I released the air I was holding and rushed to take Shy from Vlad's arms. I cooed over my daughter as Dracula joined us. I looked at him and then over the ruins again.

"What is going to happen now?" I asked. "Where are we going to go?"

Dracula pulls me gently closer and looks down at me. I look up at him. He gives me a weak smile.

"It is time to begin a new chapter," Dracula replied. 

"Are you sure dad?" Mavis asked.

Dracula looks at her and then at Johnny. He nods and smiles softly.

"I think It is time I asked this of you two," Dracula says. "Since I will have my hands full with another baby..."

Everyone gasped in shock, surprise or a mix of both. I smiled softly and blushed lightly.  Mavis's eyes widened and her head snapped in my direction. If I could shrink under everyone's gazes I would.

"Yes," I whispered. "We are pregnant again."

Everyone cheered happily and congratulated the both of us. 

"Would you and Johnny help me run the hotel?" Dracula asks.

Mavis smiles happily and Johnny practically dances in place out of excitement. The two shared a look before looking at Dracula.

"We would love to dad. It is about time you had asked us," Mavis replied.

My heart warmed as the three embraced each other.


Mavis held my arm as we climbed the steps to the newly built hotel. Lights inside gleamed brightly. My belly was rounder then normal.

"It looks just like the old hotel," Dracula comments.

"It is but we had a few minor changes," Mavis explained. "Do not worry. No humans for everyone's sake."

She flashes her dad a reassuring smile. Dracula returns the smile. Johnny pushes open the front door with a spring in his step. Shy watches curiously from Dracula's arms. She had officially turned one months ago. She new some words like Mommy, Dad, Papa and sister. She also loved to be a little menace to everyone. She was very cheeky about it too when she is caught in the act. Dennis and Winnie's birthday was soon. The two were turning six and wanted to host a party together. Dracula stepped inside first and his jaw dropped. I stepped in beside him. I looked around slowly. The hotel lobby was bright, cheerful and very welcoming. Zombies wandered around helping others with their luggage or showing them to their rooms. 

"What do you think?" Johnny asked, excitedly.

"I like it. It is very welcoming. I love how it draws you in," I explained. "Where did you get those paintings?"

I glanced at the paintings on the walls. I took a closer look. My signature was written on the bottom of one. Mavis rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"I wanted to include a little piece of you into the hotel," She explained. "I hope you don't mind."

I looked at her and smiled softly. 

"I think you forgot one," I replied. 

Mavis looked at me confused. I waved my hand and a piece of art flew from my bag. I grabbed it and then handed it out to her. 

"It was a late gift for you," I explained.

Mavis took the painting gently into her hands. She removed the protective paper wrapping and gasped. I had painted a picture of Mavis, her mother and myself. 

"I may not be your biological mother," I explained, softly. "But I will always be here for you and love you just the same."

Tears pricked Mavis's eyes as she looked at me. My bottom lip quivered. 

"You are my mom," She whispered. "You taught me a lot in the time we've been together and I wouldn't ask for a better person. I am glad you became apart of our family. "

My heart warmed and tears rolled down my cheeks. She threw her arms around me and held me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her. She sniffled and I cried softly. We held each other for a few minutes.

"Thank you," She whispered. 

She pulled back and hung the painting just behind the front desk. I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my dress as Dracula places his arm over my shoulders. I glanced up at him as he looks down at me. He leans down and gently kisses my lips. I returned the gentle and passionate kiss.

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