Chapter 12

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After Mavis left I went to go grab something to eat. I licked my lips and smiled.

After my meal I went to find Dennis. He sitting on a window ledge. Mavis and Johnathan were off somewhere with Dracula or just having some alone time together. Dennis looked at little unhappy.

"What's wrong little one?" I asked, sinking down beside him with concern.

"I want a puppy..." Dennis muttered. "But mom says it's too much responsibility.."

"Oh," I muttered.

Dennis sighed heavily beside me. I titled my head slightly and hummed until Dracula showed up. Dennis quickly asked his grandpa for a puppy giving him his best pouty bat face. I giggled softly as Dracula gave into his grandson. After Dennis leaves I got up from my seat and walked over to Dracula. I wrapped my arms around his neck and planted a lingering kiss on his lips. I pulled back and smiled.

"Goodnight," I said, softly.

"Goodnight, my love," Dracula responds.

I slipped past him and went to my room. I closed the balcony doors and pulled the curtains closed. I went to my dresser and got changed into a long black night gown. I turned and went over to my bed. I climbed under the covers. I liked sleeping in a bed rather than a coffin. I guess it was my werewolf side of me. The vampire side liked the dark rather then the sunlight.

The next morning I crawled out of bed tiredly. My hair stuck out in places. I stretched my limbs and yawned. I walked into the bathroom. I had a quick shower and got dressed.

I brushed my hair and hummed as I threw it up into a messy bun

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I brushed my hair and hummed as I threw it up into a messy bun. I smiled at myself in the mirror before I left the bathroom with a slight bounce in my step until I heard a loud commotion downstairs. I used my vampire speed and rushed down the stairs to see a large mess in the lobby.

"What happened here?" I asked, looking around.

Mavis, Johnny and Dennis looked around surprised too. Dracula points to a large dog in the corner chewing on the bones of the guests.

"Tinkles happened," He stated, annoyed.

I held back a laugh. I walked over to the dog and crossed my arms.

"Drop them!" I stated.

The dog dropped the bones and looked at me. I placed a hand on my hip and grabbed the large leash from Dracula. I connected it to the red collar the dog was wearing. Dennis walked over to me and I looked down at him.

"Let's take him outside," I said, softly giving him a smile.

Dennis nods and grabs the leash. The dog rushes out the door with Dennis on his back holding on for dear life. I quickly went after them leaving everyone to clean up.

After a long walk we returned to see the lobby cleaned and the guests booked into their rooms. Dracula was still behind the desk. He turned when we walked in.

"How was your walk?" He asked, looking at Tinkles.

"It was nice," I answered, leaning over the counter.

Dracula leaned forward. Our lips touched in a lingering kiss. Dennis 'ewed' and covered his eyes. We pulled back slightly and laughed.

"I'll take this two upstairs to bed," I explained. "I'll see you shortly for dinner."

Dracula smiles and nods.

"I'll be waiting," He replied.

I giggled and took the two upstairs. Mavis was reading a book on the couch when we entered. She glanced up and smiled softly.

"Dennis get washed up it's almost dinner," She stated.

"Okay!" Dennis replied, dashing off.

Tinkles quickly followed after him. I looked at her and smiled.

"Have a goodnight," I said, casually.

I still had a gut feeling that Mavis still didn't like me.

"Mmhm," Mavis replied, returning to her book.

I sighed heavily and left heading down to see Dracula. Do not let Mavis ruin your mood. She'll come around. Don't push her.. a small voice whispered. Dracula finished up and shortly walked over to me.

"Ready?" He asked, smiling brightly.

"Ready," I replied, smiling back at him.

We left the hotel going out to the forest for our dinner. It was a picnic under the moon and stars. It was beautiful. We ate, talked and even planned our wedding a little more. After a little while we packed up and returned to the hotel. Mavis rushed over to us.

"We got a wedding to plan for Lucy and her fiancé!" She stated. "Dad I'll need your help!"

She began to ramble on and on what need to be done. She quickly raced off going to find the perfect place for the ceremony. Jeez... Let's hope she doesn't go over the top with ours... I mentally thought. I shook my head and looked at Dracula. He was watching me.

"Do not worry. I can handle this. You go help," I said, taking the basket from him.

He planted a kiss on my cheek and took off with vampire speed. He was making calls and giving orders as he went. I turned and went upstairs to put the picnic blanket away and give the leftovers to Tinkles. I spoiled that dog rotten. After putting everything away I went to go find Dracula. He was standing in the middle of the lobby still giving orders. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked down at me.

"Having fun?" I asked, smiling as I tilted my head slightly to look up at him.

"Maybe?" He answered, smiling down at me.

His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me close.

"Are you excited?" He asked, meaning about our up and coming wedding.

"Yes," I answered. "I am excited to spend the rest of my life with my sexy fiancé."

Dracula smirked more and gave me a Eskimo kiss. His nose touched mine and rubbed it back and forth. I giggled softly and did the same back. It was cute and I liked it. I pulled back slightly and smiled.

"I'll leave you to work then. I don't want to be a distraction," I said, giggling. "I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my love. Sleep well," Dracula replied, smiling. "You are never a bother to me."

He planted another kiss on my lips before I went upstairs to get ready for bed. I walked around the room getting ready for bed. I still had a smile on my lips as I sank under the covers and closed my eyes.

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