Chapter 24

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I showed Vlad to a chair. He took a seat.

"Tea?" I questioned.

"Please," he replied, with a brief nod.

I put the tea on and placed some breakfast buns on the table. I knew he wouldn't eat them but it was nice gesture. I took a seat across from Vlad. My hands were clasped together on the table before me.

"How is he?" Vlad asked.

"He?" I questioned, confused.

He gestured towards my baby bump.

"By the way you are carrying the child it is a boy," He explained, simply. "The same way I found out about my son."

I opened and closed my mouth. I looked at the buns then back at him.

"How is he?" I questioned, quietly.

"He isn't doing so good. He misses you, dearly. He had everyone searching for you for weeks," Vlad explained.

"He played me Vlad.." I stated. "I wasn't his zing. You heard it yourself."

"You were his zing.. Erika is playing him harder than you and I could realize!"

"What do you mean?" I questioned, confused.

"I over heard Erika with her grandfather," Vlad explained. "Erika is using a charm to make Dracula believe that she is his zing. She's been using it since we've arrived on the cruise. On their wedding they are gonna kill all the monsters while they are gathered to watch the ceremony..."

"WHAT?!" I gasped, surprised. "They are planning to wipe all the monsters out all at once! We have to warn Dracula! When is the wedding?"

"Two day's from now," Vlad explained, simply.

"We have to get going Vlad!" I stated, jumping up from my seat.

Vlad looked at me. He gives a brief nod and stands from his seat.

"We will leave tonight," He stated.

I nodded at him. I gave him the keys to my house and watched as he slipped away.

Around 7pm we grabbed our cloaks and turned into our bat forms. We took to the air and started flying towards the direction of the hotel. Vlad flew a little ways before me. My heart was beating like a jack hammer. I swallowed the lump in my throat. In my bat form my stomach was huge and noticeable. Vlad glances back to make sure I was still behind him. I gave him a sheepish smile as we continued on.

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