Chapter 27

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I took our daughter into my arms. Dracula wrapped his arm around my waist. He proudly smiles down at her as everyone danced around us enjoying the party.

"What shall we call her?" He asked.

"I was thinking Shysie which means silent little one," I explained.

"I like it," Dracula replied.

He takes Shysie into his arms. She looks at her father.

"Shysie Ruby Anna," He says, smiling.

Shysie squeals happily at the sound of her name. I smiled at the two. Dennis came bounding over to us. I scooped him into my arms as Mavis and Jonathon walked over. A photographer stood at the edge of the dance floor.

"FAMILY PHOTO!" He called.

Dracula looked up. Mavis posed beside me and Jonathan posed Dracula. Vlad stood between us with a large grin. Friends formed around us also jumping into the photo. The photographer snapped a picture of us. After the photos I went and took a seat with Shy. Dracula and Mavis had a father daughter dance. Shy had fallen asleep in my arms. I was talking with the girls when Dracula walked over. The girls looked at each other a giggled before Dracula took my hand and lead me away without a word. I followed him saying nothing. We walked up to his apartment.

"I have a surprise for you," He says. "Close your eyes."

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes. He took my hand and lead me inside.

"Alright," Dracula says, again. "Open."

I slowly opened my eyes. There sat a gorgeous snow white basinet. It was beautiful with pink little bows around the outer side. It sat across from our bed. Before I could say anything about it he lead me to another room. It was beautiful nursery with a hand built crib.

"It's beautiful," I gushed, finally. "It is all beautiful!"

"I'm glad you like it," He replied, smiling brightly.

"Our own little home," I said, smiling.

He smirks at me and I smile back at him.

After a few more hours Dracula ends the party downstairs while I rock Shy in the rocking chair. I hummed a soothing tone as she slept peacefully in my arms. A soft yawn escaped my lips as I relaxed. Slowly I started to feel sleepy. My eye lids were slowly closing. I slowly rose from the rocking chair and moved to the basinet. I gently and carefully laid Shy down into it. I smiled softly down at her. She was sleeping peacefully. Her tiny hands balled into fists. Her head was tilted to the right side as she slept. An arm wrapped around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. Dracula smiles down at his daughter. We said nothing for about 10 minutes before he gently pulled me away from her. I smiled softly as I joined him in the bed. My body relaxes as I sink into the comfortable mattress. My arm snakes around his waist as he held me close. With the flick of his wrist the dark drapes closed. The room was sent into darkness. I nuzzled against his shoulder as I closed my eyes. A second yawn escaped my lips before I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Dracula was busy with the morning crew down in the lobby. I was looking after Shy. After a few hours I laid her down for a nap. I sat down in the rocking chair when Dracula returned. A grim look on his features.

"What is wrong?" I asked, eyeing him over slowly with concern.

"The vampire council had summoned me," He explained, simply.

"The vampire council?" I questioned, with confusion.

"Yes," He muttered. "I have to pack right away..."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked, rising from my seat.

I walked over to him as he shook his head no.

"No. It is too dangerous for you and Shy to be traveling that far," He replied, gently holding my arms. "I need you safe. Both of you. I'll go alone. I promise to be back as soon as possible."

"Just be safe yourself," I replied, smiling softly.

"I know," he replied, with a soft chuckle.

He released me and went to pack some luggage for the trip. I watched him.

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