Chapter 34

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We drove for an hour or two before we came to a cave. It was dark inside. I reached over and grabbed a flashlight from the glove compartment and handed it over to Dracula. He switched it on and shone it around. The tracker began to flash alerting us we are close, very close to the crystal.

"It is right in there," Dracula muttered. 

Around us the cave roof hung low and sharp rocks jagged out around us.

"Be careful," Dracula whispered, eyeing the sharp rocks.

"We should get out and walk from here," I replied. "It narrows to much to get the jeep through with all the sharp, scary rocks.."

I stop the jeep and turn off the engine. I climb out as the cave darkens dramatically. 

"We can't see a dang thing in the pitch black," Murray complains. "Is there is any other light?"

Dracula continues to shine the small flashlight around. I grab a couple of branches and wrap them up to make torches. I light them and hand them out.

"I can see fine because I can use my night vision," I explained. "Stay close.. I do not need to go hunting for any of you guys too."

They nod and glance at each other before following slightly behind me, and Dracula. 

"We should be closer to the crystal.." Dracula explained.

Suddenly the cave floor gave away under our feet and sent us tumbling down. A scream escaped my throat as the others cried out in surprise and fear. I transformed into my bat form and flew down before the others. I managed to find some old rags to make a smother landing for the others. They hit and bounced off landing on the cave floor.

"Ow," They groaned.

"Sorry," I muttered. "Is everyone okay?"

"Bruised but nothing broken," Dracula replied. 

The crystal tracker went off again but this time alerting us we were only a few steps away from it. Dracula looked at me and I looked at him. We looked around us until our eyes landed on a glowing hole in the cave wall. We moved towards it. 

"I will go first," I said.

"No. I will go first," Dracula replied.

He crouches and begins to crawl through the opening. I bite my bottom lip then slowly followed after him. I came to an opening at the end and climbed out. Crystals light up in a beautiful blew hue. I gasped as I looked around.

"Wow," Murray breathed.

The others followed after him. They too looked around in awe. I quickly pulled the phone out of my pocket and dialed Mavis's number. She picked up instantly.

"Hello Ally?" She breathed.

"We found the crystal cave. I sent you the location," I explained. "Are you sure you can lead Johnny here?"

"Yup, He is pretty close," She replied. "See you soon, mom..."

My heart stopped in my chest. Did she just call me mom? I can't dwell on this now! I turned sharply and looked at Dracula. He started walking more into the crystal cave. I quickly followed after him with the others. Shortly everyone got seperated. I groaned loudly and transformed back into my bat form and searched for the crystal we needed to transform everyone back. I found it. I landed and transformed back into my human form. I grabbed the crystal when suddenly the cave began shake and crystals began to fall. A gasp escaped my lips. Johnny had tripled in size and was glaring down upon me. My heart was pounding in my chest. 

"Johnny," I breathed.

I took a step back slight. Johnny leans back then begins to hit the cave walls again and again sending more crystals down upon everyone. I turned sharply.

"Dracula! Mavis!" I yelled.

Both turned to face me. The crystal I stood on wavered but I helped up the needed crystal into the air. The two looked at each other before making their way towards me. Johnny hit again and the crystal shook. I nearly lost my footing until he hit again. I tossed the crystal as Dracula gave Mavis the transformer ray. The crystal cracked and shook more violently as the hits came more rapidly. Streams of morning light broke into the cave through the holes Johnny had created. Then a bigger hole that nearly hurt Mavis if Franky hadn't blocked the stream of light. Together we helped Mavis get to a place to shoot the ray at Johnny. I transformed into my bat form and shielded Mavis as she moved. 

"Thank you, mom.." She whispered.

My heart warmed and tears sprang into my eyes.

"You are welcome, sweetheart," I replied. "Now save your husband."

She nods at me and shoots Johnny with the ray but it didn't transform him back.  Johnny breaks into the cave. He breaks the crystal Mavis was on sending her tumbling. I managed to catch her before she hits the ground. Dracula then calls out to Johnny. Johnny snatches Dracula and roars at him. Fire burns through Johnny's teeth. We watch as Dracula calms and talks to Johnny. Johnny's eyes flicked from bright red to green. I look at Mavis and she looks at me. We share smile before she hits Johnny again with the ray. This time it worked and Johnny returned to being human. We race to meet them. Dracula and Johnny were hugging. 

"Johnny!" Mavis called. 

She rushed to embrace her husband and father. I also joined them. The two returning our embrace. 

"Now let's get everyone back in their own bodies and get home," I explained. "We have a lot to get ready for."

Everyone nods in agreement. We went back to gather the others. I turned everyone back into their monster forms as we flew back home on a private plane from Abraham. Mavis had borrowed it after I left.

"So what are we going to do?" Mavis asked.

"I think I know," I admit. "I know you won't agree to it but I think it's best for Johnny's sake as well as everyone else's if I turn Johnny into something like me.." 

"What do you mean?" Mavis asked.

"I turn him into a hybrid sort of," I explained. "I can turn him into a werewolf or vampire.. I have to bite him then let him have some of my blood..."

Mavis face twisted and shakes her head.

"Can't we do something else? Can we talk to the council?" She asked.

"No, they won't listen to reason I tried already on your behalf but they put up with enough. Because of Johnny humans know too much and seek to hurt us again. Modern ages or not they are still the same," Dracula replied.

"Mavis I can do this," Johnny said, grabbing her hands. "For you and Dennis. I don't want you guys losing family and I don't want the family to lose their hotel."

Mavis looks at him and frowns deeply. 

"Mavis.." I whispered.

"I don't want to lose you either, Johnny" Mavis whispered.

Johnny smiles softly. 

"You won't," He replied. "You will have me forever."

Mavis smiles softly and nods. I moved forward taking Johnny's arm into my hands and closing my eyes.

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