Chapter 19

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After a while the bride and groom left. Everyone else went to their room for the night. The zombies started to clean up. Dracula and I tiredly walked to our room until Mavis stopped us.

"Pack your bags we are going on a trip," She says. "We leave tomorrow!"

I smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry. We will be on time!" I stated.

I pushed Dracula lightly into our room.

"Goodnight Mavis. We will see you tomorrow," I said.


She turned and rushed away. I lightly closed the door. Dracula eyes me over with a cocked brow.

"You better pack your bag," I stated. "We don't want to miss the bus."

Dracula sighs and nods. He was too tired to argue. I went to grab my bag to start packing the little clothes I had again. I looked at them. Dracula stopped for a moment and turned to look at me. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Is soemthing wrong, my love?" He asked.

I picked up one of my dresses and looked down at it. I didn't answer him at first. I turned to him.

"Do I dress inappropately for my age?" I asked, in a small shy voice.

"You are only 119 You dress fine," Dracula stated. "Whoever told you other wise is just jealous of your beauty. Understand?"

He cupped my chin in his hands. I sucked in a deep breath and gave a slight nod at him. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead before releasing me. Maybe before we board the plane Mavis and I could do some quick shopping? I will have to ask her tomorrow. We packed our bags and left them by the door. Dracula decided to leave me to rest while he made sure everything was going to be fine before we left tomorrow.

Early the Next morning

Mavis was placing her bags and Dennis's along with Johnny's bags into the back of the carriage.Mine and Dracula's sat on the roof with many others since nearly all our friends were coming with us. I licked my lips and walked over to Mavis.

"Hey Mavis since the plane won't take off until tonight would you like to a bit of clothes shopping with me?" I asked, shyly.

Mavis looked at me and nods slowly.

"Sure," She agreed. " Why?"

I looked down at my dress.

I looked down at my dress

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I looked up at her.

"Because I think I need a new look," I explained, simply. "My clothes are just so revealing I heard a couple women in the hotel commented on it."

Mavis nods slowly. She grabs my hands and looks me dead in the eye.

"I will help you," She whispered.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

We shared a quick hug before we all climbed into the carriages to head off.

Couple hours later:

Mavis and I did a little clothes shopping. She tried on a couple things but she didn't like them so she put them back on the racks. I tried on a couple myself.

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I liked both so I returned to the dressing room and changed back into my other clothes

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I liked both so I returned to the dressing room and changed back into my other clothes. I purchased the clothes and carried the bags out. Mavis and I stopped at a couple stories just to see what was in them. We picked up so lotion, eye masks for sleeping and so on before we left the stories. We went to meet up with everyone at the airport. Dracula, Johnny and Dennis greeted us warmly.

"Where did you two go?" Johnny asked.

"We went to do a little shopping," I replied. "We just wanted to grab a few things before we took off."

Johnny nods in understanding. Our plane arrived. We all boarded the run down plane piloted by gremlins. I sat in an empty seat across from Mavis and Dracula. Dennis and Winnie sat before them. Winnie's parents before her and so on and so forth. I was calmly reading ignoring the gremlins and the other passengers around me. As the plane plummeted downwards I continued to read until we landed safely. I got up from my seat when it was safe and grabbed my bags. Mavis leads everyone to a cruise called Legacy. My stomach twisted into knots. I started to feel a little sick. I rushed onto the ship and to our room quickly. I dropped my bag on the bed and went into the bathroom slamming the door closed behind me. I threw up into the toilet. After a couple minutes I flushed the toilet and quickly brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom and changed into my bikini.

I tied my hair back into a ponytail and went out to the pool

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I tied my hair back into a ponytail and went out to the pool. Everyone else was there playing in the pool or just lounging in chairs near by. I climbed into the pool and swam around while the others played around. I dove under the water. When I surfaced I saw Dracula staring at the ships caption Erika.

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