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Everything was pitch black. No matter where you looked, you couldn't see a thing. You reached out in front of you, and as soon as you did, light shined in your face. You fell to the floor with a thud.

"Ow..." you murmured as you rubbed your head, "Where... where am I...?"

You let your eyes adjust to the brightness before looking around at your surroundings. It resembled... a classroom? You didn't know why, but the classroom gave you déjà vu. You ignored that feeling for now, your main focus being on finding out where you were and leaving.

Your eyes eventually landed on a door, which you assumed led out of the classroom. You picked yourself up, dusted your clothes off, and made your way through the numerous desks to the door.

You were met with a sight that you never would have expected. Outside of the door stood a huge machine that towered over your form. Without thinking, you screamed and ran past it and down the hall. It yelled and ran after you, making you pick up the pace.

You ran as fast as your legs could take you until you reached a dead end with a door. You did the only thing you could do and ran through it, slamming the doors behind you. You panted as you looked at what was behind the door.

Behind the door was something even more unexpected. It was a gymnasium filled with multiple other people, their gazes trained on you.

"Ohhh... Someone else has arrived."

"Did you get chased by that monster, too!?"

"U-Um... yeah..." you replied when you finally caught your breath.

"What... are they? What do they want with us?"

"Do you want me to check on what's happening?"

"You can't! It's too dangerous out there!"

"It's likely that monster still lurks nearby..."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a sec! Who are you guys, and what's going on-?" you began, only to be cut off.

"And that makes seventeen."

"... What?"

"I'm talking about us. There are seventeen of us - all high schoolers. What do you think that means?" The boy who was talking was rather handsome, with wavy green hair that curled at the ends and slightly darker green eyes. "Oh, right. Didn't answer your question. I can give you my name. It's Amami Rantaro. Let's leave it at that for now."

"Um... okay..."

"Anyway, why does it matter if there are seventeen of us? There might be more coming," said a tall guy with purple hair that stood up, a goatee, and eyes that were a lighter shade of purple.

"Nah, I think this is all of us. If this is what I think it is, anyway," Rantaro proclaimed, his words giving off a mysterious air.

"... If this is what you think it is?" a girl with long black hair and red eyes repeated.

"What, you some kinda fuckin' know-it-all? If you know somethin', spit it out!" demanded a girl with long blonde hair and washed out blue eyes.

At that moment, an unfamiliar, almost childish voice echoed through the gymnasium, catching all of your attentions.

"Okayyyyy, quiet everyone! Shimmy down, shimmy down!"

"No, no, no. It's 'simmer down.'" a more feminine voice corrected.

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