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Time Limit

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        When you went to the dining hall in the morning, Korekiyo trailed behind you. It was hard to believe that he just stood there all night, watching you, but when you woke up, he was still in his position, observing you carefully as if you were some ancient object that could change what scientists believe about history or whatever.

When you made it to the dining hall, you saw that everyone was in a good mood. You were relieved to see that nobody was killed during the night. Everyone was talking about just that - how nobody died. They were so cheery, it almost made you forget about how uncomfortable you were.

"But... is this really how this ends?" Kaede blurted out loud, causing the air in the room to suddenly tense up, "I mean, it just seems too easy. I don't think it'll end like this."

"I wonder... Do you wish the killing game would have continued?" Korekiyo asked, his unnerving gaze shifting to her.

"N-No, not at all-"

"Then don't ruin our happy moment, you fuckin' skank!" Miu cut off.

"... Hey, Kaede... I don't know what you're so worried about," Kokichi started, "But Monokuma is dead now. There's no way the killing game can continue, y'know?"

"And that's my cue to appear, kuma!" said an all to familiar, high-pitched voice.

Monokuma suddenly appeared in front of you guys, though he looked a bit different.

"... What?"

Tenko let out a horrified scream at the sight of him.

"M-Monokuma!" Kirumi gasped.

"H-How is he still alive?!" you yelped.

"No, no, are you guys blind or something, kuma? I ain't Monokuma, kuma," Monokuma claimed, causing you to become beyond confused, "After dying in a tragic car accident, I've been reborn as a Yo-Kai! Call me Jibakuma, kuma!"

"Jibakuma...?" Keebo repeated, unimpressed.

"From now on, I'm the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy, kuma! You might feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually you'll get used to it." There was a pause, where nobody said anything, simply looking at Monokuma with seemingly annoyed looks. "Huh? Did I slip up?"

"No duh, ya fuckin' fraud! Go find another car to run you over! And this time, stay dead!" Miu yelled.

"Ah geez... It's such a low-level cosplay, I can't bear to look," Tsumugi murmured.

"I have an important question... Haven't you mistaken ghosts for yokai?" Korekiyo inquired, "Yokai are mythological creatures first created back when humanity lived closely with nature. Back then, they were the embodiment of unexplainable natural phenomen-"

"Man, you guys are buzzkills! I was all set for adventure before you started yelling at me!" Monokuma whined, now out of that odd costume, "This is why I hate teenagers! I'd have cash for days if I was dealing with the under ten crowd!"

"Rise and shine, ursine!"

The Monokubs appeared, seeming a little irritated and tired.

"Geez, it's loud in here. What's all the ruckus about..." Monotaro began, trailing off when he saw Monokuma, "... Wait, WHAT!? Our father, who we though was dead, is actually aliiiiiiiive!"

"No say! Papa Kuma's too hip and modern to resort to the 'Death Is Cheap' trope!" Monokid said.

"I bet the Yo-Kai did it!" Monophanie suggested.

"... No, that's bit's already over," Monokuma noted.

"It ain't over yet... I think we're still talkin' 'bout spooky stuff," Monosuke protested.

"... You should have told us you were still alive! We've been making stew with your body," Monophanie mentioned.

"Wait, if Papa Kuma's standin' here, then whose body is in the stew pot!?" Monokid rhetorically asked, "Wahhhh! Which Papa Kuma is the real one!?"

"No, they're both real," Monokuma stated.

"Huh? But, Father, you said there's only one of each of us. That we're unique, like snowflakes," Monotaro said.

"Oh... well, yeah, there's only one of each of you guys. But I've got loads of spares."

"Gahhh!? Why do you get to have spares and we don't!?" Monokid demanded.

"Of course you don't get to have spares! Do you really think anyone in this day and age would tolerate the 'Death Is Cheap' troupe!?"

"... Huh? What does that mean?" Monophanie asked nervously.

"But now we know," Monosuke noted, "This school... has a machine somewhere that can make a whole lotta Pops. Just activate that machine, and you can have as many spares Pops as you wa-"

Monokuma cut Monosuke off by licking him along with all of the other Monokubs. It really grossed you out, especially when Monophanie also stuck her tongue out. You rolled your eyes in disgust, waiting to see what they were going to so next.

As you waited, everyone started wondering if the killing game was going to continue. They had a point. Since Monokuma was back, there was a good chance that the killing game was going to start up. You weren't really listening to their conversation, too busy worrying about the killing game when Monokuma spoke up again.

"Ahem! Now then, I'm pleased to announce an additional motive!" he shouted.

"What?!" you gasped, your eyes wide in disbelief.

"A time limit in now in effect! If a murder does not occur by nighttime, two days from now... then every student participating in this killing game will die!"

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A/N: I know this has nothing to do with anything, but after this book, I'm going to make a Tokyo Revengers book, and after that, I might make another Demon Slayer book.

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