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        After giving Kaede a few words of encouragement, you left her alone to her own thoughts. You went to go to your own room, but before you could open the door, familiar slender fingers wrapped around your wrist. Korekiyo...

You quickly pulled your hand away and looked at him with a surprised and confused look. What could he possibly want? You were still confused as to what he meant when he first stopped you.

"What do you want...?" you uttered, stepping away.

You could tell he was grinning under his mask, and it creeped you out.

"I was just hoping I could have a little... chat with you," he replied mysteriously.

"Okay...?" Your door was already open, so he pushed you inside, closing and locking the door behind him. Now you were starting to panic. "Please don't kill me!"

"Kehehe... Oh, I'm not going to kill you, my dear... You see... I think you're perfect."

He went on to describe in detail how much he admired the human race and how when he first saw you, he knew you were perfect. Even more perfect than his older sister, making you wonder about his relationship with said sister.

He had a crazy look in his eyes, eyes that were filled with obsession. He just stood there, ranting for hours on how amazing he thought you were, and when you tried to speak out, he shushed you and continued. He went on for so long that the nighttime announcement went off.

"Ah! Time has passed by fast! Looks like it's time for you to-" you began, but Korekiyo quickly cut you off.

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary," he said, "I'd love to watch you sleep. For... research purpose..."

You couldn't seem to shake him off, no matter how much you tried to get him away. You had no choice but to begin your nighttime routine. Thankfully, he didn't want to go into the bathroom with you, but he stayed by the door, waiting...

When you laid in bed, you couldn't sleep. You could feel Korekiyo's gaze on you. It scared you, not knowing if he would kill you the moment you dozed off. When you did eventually start to feel sleepy, you tried to stay awake, but you couldn't. As your eyes fluttered closed, the last thing you saw way Korekiyo, his intense gaze on your tired face.

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A/N: Yeah, I don't know what this is. I guess it's just a filler chapter to get some yandere action going, but I kinda don't like it.

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