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Just like that, everything spilled out of Maki, allowing her some much-needed venting. She told you about how her parents were gone before she could even remember and how she stayed in an orphanage. How she grew very close to a girl at that orphanage, and when a cult of assassins came to look at the children, they had their eyes on the girl. The girl was very sensitive and kind, and Maki believed that the life of an assassin would destroy her, so she volunteered to join in her place.

She went through harsh, vigorous training that broke her both physically and mentally, causing her heart to gradually become empty. When her training was finished, she went to see her friend at the orphanage right away only to find out that she had died in a horrible car accident while saving a child. Maki's memories of her and the orphanage motivated her to continue the assassin lifestyle for the sake of keeping the orphanage up and running.

When she finished her story, she looked at you only to see that your eyes had brimmed with tears. You had never heard something so heartbreaking, and you felt great sympathy towards Maki.

"Maki... Oh, I'm so sorry!" you cried, pulling her into a hug.

She stiffened up, not very used to physically contact. Slowly but surely, she got used to your touch and even enjoyed it. She hugged you back, tears threatening to fall in the corners of her usually cold eyes.

"... Thank you..." she murmured through her soft sniffles, "Thank you for listening... and... for being my friend."

"Of course, Maki. The others may not trust you now, but I do. And I'll keep your secret until you're ready for everyone else to know."

You gave her another smile, making her melt once more. Ever since she left her friend at the orphanage, Maki had never met someone who was so kind to her. She missed the feeling... She never wanted it to end. Ever.

Meanwhile, Rantaro was watching from the side. You didn't realize it, but he saw you leave Maki's Research Lab. He watches your every move. He thought it was the perfect time to go talk to you, but when he saw you talking to and comforting Maki, he felt a rush of jealousy flow through his veins.

Rantaro glared at the two of you, his fist clenching tightly. His nails dug into his skin, small drops of blood trickling down his hand. You were his. Not Maki's, not Kaede's, not Shuichi's, not Korekiyo's, not anybody but his. He had to get rid of them, but he didn't want to get blood on his hands because he couldn't afford to get found out and executed.

He gasped as an idea formed in his head. Rantaro smiled wickedly, his eyes remaining on the two of you as he plotted. You will be his, and you didn't have a choice in the matter.

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