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Killing Game

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"... Wha...? Us... in a killing game...?" you stammered, unable to find the right words.

"Please stop joking! Why would we agree to participate in a killing game!?" Keebo demanded.

"Huh? You guys don't wanna do it?" Monokuma asked.

"'C-Course not! Gentlemen not hurt people!" Gonta replied.

"But if you've looked around the academy, then you already know, don't you? The academy is surrounded by a huge wall. You can't escape to the outside world... And as long as we have the Exisals, you can't defy us. In other words... I hold the power of life and death over each and every one of you."

"So do what you say if we don't want to die," Rantaro concluded, his calmness frightening you a little

"Y-You gotta be kidding me! Why would friends kill each other!?" Tenko exclaimed.

"... Who said you guys were friends?" Monokuma said, "You guys aren't friends at all... You're enemies out to kill each other."

"E-Enemies...?" Shuichi uttered.

"Hmm, I still have a lot to learn from Father about sarcasm," Monotaro stated.

"All this talkin' is buggin' the shit outta me! I gotta beat up Monodam to relieve the stress!" Monokid yelled, to which Monodam didn't say anything as per usual.

"But... I don't like that. I'm not good with violence or gore or sad situations," Monophanie claimed, "Um, Daddy... Instead of a killing game, could we do a rock-paper-scissors tournament?"

"Who'd wanna play a game where no one dies!?" Monosuke rhetorically asked.

"Well, you do have a compassionate personality. It's so cute I can barely stand it," Monokuma gushed, "Why, it's cute enough to eat! Cute enough that I wanna eat it!"

"... Eh?" Monophanie hummed.

"Hey, Monophanie. You might wanna dial back the cute schtick a bit," Monotaro suggested.

"Cool it with the stupid banter. I want to ask something," Ryoma interrupted, "How are we supposed to kill each other? Are you going to give us weapons?"

"What the hell, man!? What are you asking?" Kaito exclaimed.

"We need to get info from them first. We can't do anything if we don't know anything."

"Weapons? Huh? What kinda barbaric display are you envisioning?" Monokuma questioned, "You couldn't be any more wrong. Why, at the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles... the killings game is quite the refined, sophisticated experience!"

"Sophisticated experience?" Maki repeated.

"Yes... Here, the killing game is punctuated by class trials.

"Class... trials...?" Kaede muttered.

"Okay! Let us explain!" Monotaro said.

The Monokubs went on to explain what a class trial was. Basically, when one of you killed someone, you would go to one of these trials, where you would debate on who the 'blackened' was. Then, you voted on who you thought did it. If you voted correctly, then only the blackened would get 'punishment', and if you voted incorrectly, then the 'spotless' students would get punished, and the blackened would get away with the murder.

"Ahhh, too much! That explanation revealed way too much!" Monokuma complained once they were done, "You gotta be more coy! Flirtatious! Seductive! Just like your old man!"

"Gross..." Himiko huffed under her breath.

"The point is, it's not enough to kill someone. You also have to survive the class trial."

"Kill without being caught, and then survive the trial..." Rantaro murmured, "Sounds eerily similar to the real world."

"You think so? Then the outside world must be masterfully designed - even at its cruelest."

"One can likely imagine... but I shall ask, just in case..." Korekiyo started, "What is the 'punishment' you mentioned earlier?"

"Simply put, it's an execution!"

"E-Exexcution!?" Gonta yelped.

"If you do a crime, you get punished for it. That's, like, the most basic rule of society. But this is a killing game, so the punishment for murder is a bit more... permanent."

"Ooh! I wonder what kinda punishments there'll be!?" Monokid thought aloud, "Lots of blood and guts and brains, I bet! The kinda stuff that gives me a raging boner!"

"What!? Monokid, you already have a boner!?" Monotaro questioned.

"Y-Yeah! I'm so hard right now!"

You groaned in disgust and tried to block out their conversation, but it was hard when Monophanie started to throw up sparkly stuff... They were talking about puking and boners... and Monokuma thought it was all cute.

"How is that cute?" you grimaced.

"Alright, I'm over all this boring exposition-" Monokuma said, "Let's get this heart-throbbing killing school semester started already! You have free rein to murder however you like, too. Like bludgeoning! Or stabbing! Feelin' cheap? Try strangulation! Feelin' lazy? Try poisoning! Whether you shoot, burn, drown, blow up, crush, electrocute, or laugh your victim to death... You can use any method you like to kill aboybody you like, any way you like! At the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles, you will realize your murderous potential! Seventeen talented teenage prodigies, all competing for first place in a killing game... There's no better setting for an event like this than the Ultimate Academy!"

"Killing school semester... It's like a game," Rantaro observed, an unnerving grin on his face.

"Kehehe... risking our lives for some silly game is absurd," Korekiyo laughed, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, making you shift awkwardly in your position.

"It doesn't seem like it'll be boring, though," Kokichi pointed out.

"Hey! How can you degenerates be so calm!?" Tenko demanded.

"Th-This has to be a lie... right? It's... a lie, right?" Tsumugi denied.

"I-I don't want... to be in a killing game... It's wrong, I... I'd never do that," Shuichi uttered.

"Puhuhu... Well, if you don't wanna participate in the killing game, that's gonna be a problem..." Monokuma said, "Cuz the killing game is the only reason you're here."

"... What?"

"Now then, unleash your talents and have a happy, homicidal, horrific, hilarious killing game!"

"W-Wait just a minute!" Kaede called out.

"... Hm?"

"No matter what you say... We won't do it! We'll never participate in a killing game! Whatever you have planned, I'm not gonna let you get away with it!"

"A-Akamatsu-chan! You shouldn't just rashly defy that thing-" Tenko began.

"No, no! I welcome her resistance! That kinda defiant spirit is important to the killing game," Monokuma interjected, "It's fun to watch the defiant ones eventually snap, and get their hands dirty..."

"Huh...? You say that like you've done this before..." you murmured.

... Wait... What...? Like he's done this before...? You felt like... you've done this before... But why...? This is your first time seeing Monokuma and hearing about this horrific killing game... Or was it?

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A/N: I watched that Raggedy Ann and Andy musical movie, and I thought it was really cute.

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