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As soon as it sat on the stage, its wings fell off.

"I am the god of this new world..." the bear stated, "... and the headmaster of this Ultimate Academy! The one, the only... Monokuma! Nice to meetcha!"

"Yayyyy! Father's here!" Monotaro cheered.

"Hell yeah! Another epic entrance from Papa Kuma!" Monokid exclaimed.

"Daddy is soooo cool," Monophanie admired.

"My cute little cubs! You're all so freakin' cute!" Monokuma said, though he looked like he was trying to hold back his anger, "The only reason I can tolerate your tiresome antics is cuz you're all so cute. Even when the prologue is going way too long, I'll allow it because you guys are cute. In fact, the very first prologue was only short cuz you cutie-patooties weren't there."

"Pops... are you mad at us?" Monosuke asked nervously.

"Don't be an idiot! I would never get mad at my cute little cubs!"

"Gahhhh! He is mad!" Monokid yelped.

"But... Daddy is still cool even when he's angry," Monophanie beamed.

"Pops is from a planet of handsome bears that get cooler as they get angrier," Monosuke claimed, "Super Monokuma, Super Monokuma Two, Super Monokuma Three, and finally Super Monokuma Four-"

Monokuma was pushed past him limit and attacked the Monokubs, sending them flying.

"How many times do I gotta say it!? I'm not MAD!!!" Monokuma yelled.

"Ahhhhh! Father just transformed into a Super Monokuma God Super Monokuma!" Monotaro screamed.

"That's only possible when six Monokumas of pure heart are gathered together!" Monophanie followed.

"It's the power your bust out when you really wanna fuck the world's shit up!" Monokid added.

"A power ya only see when the gods themselves do battle!" Monosuke said.

"Anyway, I'm really not mad. In fact, I gotta admit that I'm actually proud of you guys," Monokuma admitted, "You kids really stand out from the rest of the second-generation failures in the world."

"Isn't that a little harsh? I'm sure there are some second-generation sucess stories..." Monophanie uttered.

"I can't think of any, though-" Monosuke started.

Monokuma attacked them again, sending them flying once more.

"If you can't think of any, it's cuz there's none worth remembering!" he state, "But Father remembers! Cuz he knows everything!"

"Holy shit! That's right, Papa Kuma! You know all kinds of useless crap!" Monokid gasped like he found out some sort of life changing discovery.

"Cuz Daddy gets all his alternate facts from the most trusted names in fake news!" Monophanie claimed.

"Heehee! I love embracing my children! They're so cute, I just can't help myself!" Monokuma gushed, "Usually, ratings will plummet when mascots appear in sequels too much... But in this case, ratings are through the roof! All thanks to the cute Monokubs!"

"Wh-What is this? What's going on?" Kaede demanded.

"Another teddy bear appeared..." Tsumugi murmured.

"Yes, but that is no ordinary teddy bear," Korekiyo stated, "I can see it... the despair and madness swirling around that cursed thing..."

"Whoa... First of all, I'm no teddy bear. I'm Monokuma," Monokuma said, "And show some respect! I am the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles!"

"... Headmaster?" Maki repeated.

"It appears to be some sort of autonomous robot with a built-in A.I., like me..." Keebo observed.

"Dong dong dong!" Monotaro sounded.

"The Exisals are different, though! They're brainless buckets of bolts!" Monosuke added.

"They're mindless pretty killing machines that can only be controlled by us, the Monokubs," Monophanie explained.

"Autonomous robots piloting weapons platforms... This is certainly turning into quite the story," Ryoma said.

"Well that may be, but what I'm worried about it the 'killing game' you mentioned," Rantaro stated, "What exactly does that mean?"

"Puhu... puhuhuhuhu..." Monokuma giggled.

"What is so amusing?" Kirumi asked.

"It's just... when I said it before, I kinda phoned it in and now I feel awkward... I want you students with your Ultimate-level talents to participate in a killing game."

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A/N: I would make these chapters longer, but I don't really have the motivation to do that. Sorry.

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