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Insect Meet and Greet

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        When you went to the dining hall, everyone was already there. They started discussing the motive video that everyone got. Apparently, nobody got their own video. Wait... but that wouldn't make sense because you got yours. If you got yours, then that meant that somebody else had theirs as well. You didn't speak out about it, and neither did you.

The following days were rather... boring. You spent most of your time in your Research Lab, but eventually, you got bored of it. Rantaro was constantly trying to approach you, but you managed to avoid his advances and instead found comfort in socializing with Angie.

She was a sweet girl. Sure, she had a few screws loose, but also sweet! You couldn't help but notice that as you closer go Angie, Tenko got more jealous. You made a self-note to spend more time with her, too.

One day, as you were leaving your Research Lab, you ran into Gonta.

"Oh! Hey, Gonta!" you greeted cheerfully.

When you saw the expression on his face, you noticed that something was off about him. He wasn't his usual kind self. No, he seemed... angry, something that you've never seen in Gonta. Before you could ask him what was up, he ran into you, knocking you out cold.

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        You groaned as you blinked your eyes open.

"Huh...? What happened...?" you uttered groggily.

When your vision became clearer, you quickly realized that Kokichi was in your face, his lips curved into a huge, mischievous grin.

"Mooorning, sleepyhead! You're finally up, Y/N," he said when he noticed your eyes opening.

"What the...? Kokichi?!" you expected, pushing him off of you, "What the hell is going on?!"

"Woah, chill out! It's not like I'm going to kill you or anything! Or, I might! Nee-heehee..."

"Ouma Kokichi, I swear, if you don't tell me what the hell is going on in the count do three, I will rip that tongue of yours out of your big mouth!"

"Okay, okay! Hmmm... I guess you could say we're in hell."

"... What?"

You looked around and saw everyone else, except for Kirumi, in a room that you didn't recognize. It kinda resembled a forest. According to Tsumugi, it was Gonta's Ultimate Research Lab.

Gonta was holding an 'Insect Meet and Greet' because all of you hated bugs, which was information that Kokichi provided to him. Kokichi had to leave to 'run some errands,' and that was how you spent your night getting chased around by bugs. You officially hated Kokichi with every fiber of your being.

Even after the nighttime announced went off, the meet and greet continued. Only after Kokichi returned that it ended. Gonta wanted him to join you all, but Kokichi had other plans.

He had stolen everyone's Kubs Pads and had the idea to watch them all together. However, Keebo stopped him by using an audio recording that he took to show Gonta that he had been deceived. In the end, you all got to leave with your Kubs Pads, and when you got back to your room, you scrubbed your body raw.

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A/N: Can you tell that I got lazy with this chapter? Anyway, my mom's alarm thankfully didn't go off yesterday, so I didn't have to go to school, but I have to go today in the morning. Christmas break is in like, three or four weeks. This is the first time this year that time has gone by slowly.

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