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Love and Jealousy

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The Ultimate Hunt... Those with Ultimate Talents were hunted down. You weren't safe anyway. Until eventually... you had no place else to run... You were cornered.

There was only one way for you to escape the Ultimate Hunt. You threw away your title as the Ultimate Ballerina and went on to live life as a normal high school student.

By erasing your talent and memories, you no longer had any reason to be hunted. If you didn't do what you did, you would have been captured, a fate worse than death.

And so... you chose to gamble on a new technology developed in a particular facility. Technology that controlled your brain waves to put your memories to sleep. You used that to hibernate all memories relating to your talent.

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You gasped as your eyes flew open, your body shivering and sweating at the same time.

"I... I remember now..." you murmured, "The Ultimate Hunt... It... it..."

"D-Did you say the 'Ultimate Hunt'!?" Kaito exclaimed.

"... Wha...?"

"It seems we were all being chased," Kirumi stated.

Kirumi was right... It wasn't just you. As you looked around at everyone, you saw that they each had the same shocked expression.

"All of us here were being chased by the Ultimate Hunt..." Ryoma uttered, "What on Earth does that mean?"

"Oh, wait... Can someone tell me what that is? I... can't seem to remember," Tenko said, "What is the Ultimate Hunt?"

"Gee, how could you forget something so important? Alright guys, the Ultimate Hunt is..." Kaito began, his words trailing off, "... Huh? What was it? Why can't I remember?"

"I can't either..." Shuichi agreed.

Everyone else started agreeing, including you. That's when you noticed... Rantaro wasn't agreeing. Could he know what the Ultimate Hunt is...?

"Even if we can't remember, we should still be able to figure something out..." Ryoma claimed.

"... Hm? What you mean?" Gonta asked.

"If we were all running from the Ultimate Hunt, then why are we imprisoned here? Could the reason be that... we were caught by the Ultimate Hunt?"

"You mean, we tried to escape by erasing our memories, but they found us anyway..." Keebo deduced, "And subsequently, we were captured as part of this Ultimate Hunt?"

"Then, this killing game is..." Kaede muttered.

"Yeah... It might be the work of the Ultimate Hunt," Ryoma concluded.

"If that is so... then I am all the more concerned about this Ultimate Hunt," Korekiyo stated

"But, but how disappointing! No one can remember anything!" Angie said, "Nyahahahaha! What a disappointing disappointment!"

"Hmm... Didn't you mention something about the Ultimate Hunt earlier on, Rantaro?" Kirumi questioned.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I did," Rantaro said nonchalantly.

"Then you must know more than you let on, like what the Ultimate Hunt actually is."

"Mmm... I would tell you, but now's not the right time."

"What do you mean? C'mon, tell us!" you demanded.

"Sorry, cutie, but I can't tell ya. Not here, anyway..."


"Cutie...?" Shuichi repeated, an air of jealousy surrounding him.

"Hey! Don't you dare call Y/N that, you degenerate!" Tenko yelled.

And, just like that, the mood in the gym brightened. Kirumi offered to make you all a meal, which turned out to be heavenly. You now saw a Kirumi as a motherly figure.

When you finished eating, you went your separate ways. You started to go to your Reasearch lab, but Kaede stopped you.

"Hey!" she said, "I have some free time if you'd like to come to my Research Lab. I can play you a song, and you can dance to it."

"Oh, I'd love to! I've always wanted to dance to your music!" you accepted.

You followed Kaede to her Research Lab just as Rantaro tried to approach you. He glared daggers into the back of her head. He wanted to tell you something important... How dare she take you away like that?

Meanwhile, you spent your time dancing to Kaede's music. You were so into the music that you didn't notice the mesmerized look she gave you. It was as if Kaede was falling in love with you.

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A/N: Sorry this came out so late. I had it pre-written, but I was playing Genshin in a domain, and I was afraid that all my progress would get lost if I went to another app.

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