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        After experiencing the Flashback Light, you ate dinner and went back to your rooms. On your way to yours, Rantaro saw it as his chance and pulled you behind a corner.

You would've yelped if he didn't slap his hand over your mouth, muffling any sounds that you may have released.

"Hush... I'm not going to tell you what it is... But I want to explain why I remember what the Ultimate Hunt is," he explained, "When I let you go, don't say a thing, or you'll regret it..." He slowly let go of you, and you went along with what he said and didn't say anything. "Good... Now, about what I meant."

Rantaro went on to explain how the killing game was one big TV show. Everyone on the outside world reveled in your despair, and the one you were in now was the fifty-third season. Oddly enough... you were in all of the previous ones.

Your most prominent roles were the first two, the Ultimate Baker and the Ultimate Florist. It was almost like after every time you committed suicide, you came back reincarnated. It was like you were stuck in an endless loop, forever destined to get into a killing game and have the contestants obsess over you.

Rantaro was in the last season with you, and he was one of the people who fell in love with you. Then, he was too scared to confess his feelings. He realized his mistake after it was too late, for you had already died. Rantaro was determined to keep you sane enough to break out of the loop.

When his explanation finished, you looked at him with complete and utter disbelief.

"So... let me get this straight... I'm the reincarnation of fifty-two other Y/Ns...?" you uttered, your hands shaking.

"Yes. But don't worry, I'll get you out! And then we'll live together happily!" Rantaro claimed, taking your hands, "Oh, I can already imagine it! Just the two of us... Those pests out of the way... I won't be anything like that Makoto from the first season! No, I'll keep you alive..." You tried to pull away from Rantaro, but his grip was tight. "Don't try to run away from the inevitable! You know you can't escape me, so why even try?!"

You were about to scream, but before you could let out even a squeak, Rantaro knocked you out cold. He laughed, his unnerving smile widening as he looked at your sleeping face.

'So perfect... So, so perfect...' he thought, watching you lovingly.

He gently picked you up and carried you to his room bridal style, intent on keeping you there until the killing game was over.

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