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Genuine Smile

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        Your jaw dropped, your eyes wide as you looked at what remained of Monokuma. You just looked, thinking that he may come back. But he didn't.

"F-Father!?" Monotaro gasped.

"Wahhhh! Daddy got turned into a pile of scrap metal!" Monophanie cried.

"Th-This is Monodam's fault, somehow!" Monokid accused, to which Monodam didn't say anything in response.

"Wh-Wha.... What the hell just happened?!" you finally yelped.

"I'm not sure what's going on, but... Monokuma's in pieces," Ryoma replied.

"S-Serves him right! He got just what he deserved!" Kaito claimed.

"Do not celebrate just yet. I'm certain he has a spare that will appear momentarily," Kirumi said.

"Th-There is no spare! Don't trivialize life like that!" Monophanie whined.

"What?" Kaede inquired.

"When Father was still alive, he used to tell us cubs..." Monotaro started, "... that we must cherish life because we're like snowflakes - unique in every way."

"If only one existed, then does this mean Monokuma is dead?" Maki asked.

"Poor Daddy! Let's at least bury him with full honors!" Monophanie suggested, ignoring Maki's question.

"Ooh, maybe add some leftover curry, too? Y'know, the sweet kind - my favorite!

"Yeah. We'll cook him low and slow to lock in the flavor," Monotaro followed.

"While we're at it... we should toss in some carrots and potatoes, too," Monokid added.

"Ooh, maybe add some leftover curry, too? Y'know, the sweet kind - my favorite!"

"You'll want an extra-large side of rice too, right?" Monophanie chimed in.

"Now that we're the new headmasters, we gotta eat more so we can get stronger," Monosuke stated.

"So long! Bear-well!" they sang as they left.

"U-Umm... What's going on?" Tsumugi uttered.

"Hmm... Everything's a complete mess now. But if there's no final boss..." Kokichi began, "... then that means this killing game is cancelled!"

"Huh!? Cancelled!?" Gonta repeated.

"I don't think so. Monokuma's just a robot. There has to be someone controlling him," Rantaro explained.

"Ah-haha, don't be such a worrywart! Everything's definitely over now!" Kokichi laughed, "With the mastermind gone, continuing this game is pretty much impimpossible. Which means... we win!"

"Yay! We did it! Nyahahaha!" Angie cheered.

"So we're not in danger anymore?" Tenko questioned.

"Oh, so we just wait here for the shuttle bus to pick us up, or...?" Tsumugi trailed off.

"W-Wait a minute! We don't know that yet-" Kaede began, but Kokichi cut her off.

"Kaede, quit being a buzzkill! Everyone's still annoyed about what you did yesterday!" he huffed.

"B-But I didn't mean it like tha-"

"Or... is there still something you would have us do, Kaede?" Korekiyo asked.

"Don't tell me you wanna take on that underground passage again!?" Miu rhetorically asked.

"... Quiet. We know it's impossible," Maki stated.

"... S-Sorry..." Kaede murmured.

"Whatevs, looks like we're done here. Phew, what a relief," Kokichi sighed.

After Kokichi said that, you all decided to go your sepeate ways. You watched as Kaede walked back to her room, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Kaede!" you called after her.

She looked back at you and quickly wiped at her watery eyes.

"Y-Yeah, Y/N...?" she said, a forced smile on her face. You frowned and pulled her into a hug, causing her to let out a gasp. "H-Huh?

"Don't let Kokichi get to you, m'kay? He's just a brat that likes to get under people's skin. Besides, I'm sure plenty of us appreciate your efforts. I know I do!"

You gave her a sweet smile, to which her cheeks heated up. She smiled again, but this time, it was genuine.

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A/N: I think I might make Kaede a romantic love interest.

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