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Random Junk

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        "Graffiti...?" you repeated, tilting your head slightly.

"On concrete, hidden in grass..." Gonta repeated, "Words 'horse a' written there.

"I wonder what it means..." Kaede hummed, racking her brain for an answer.

"Well... its meaning is entirely shrouded in mystery," Korekiyo stated.

"Not even the Ultimate Anthropologist knows... I thought it was some anthropology thing," Tsumugi said.

"Hey, you're the Ultimate Detective, right, Shuichi? Maybe you know why it's there," you suggested.

"Huh? I-I..." he stuttered, his face turning red, "I... don't know? I don't know either."

"Gonta, I'm surprised you were able to find that graffiti hidden in the grass," Angie started, "Do you channel the divine, too?"

"Oh... That cuz of tiny bugs," Gonta replied.

"Bugs...? I thought vermin were nowhere to be seen in this academy," Kirumi pondered.

"Yeah, Gonta think that before, but... When out walking in courtyard, Gonta think he see tiny bug. But... bug so tiny, even Gonta no could see it. And Gonta have 20/0.625 eyesight. So maybe Gonta just make mistake. But Gonta think... No, maybe Gonta just see things..."

"Gah! Just make up your mind already, you degenerate!" Tenko demandes.

She was much more harsh after Himiko's death even though she only knew her for, like, three or four days. You supposed she got attached to people easily.

"So, you found that message while you were out chasing some bug?" Kokichi concluded, "Wooow, Gonta! You did it! I knew I could rely on you since the moment we met!"

"What? Really?" Gonta gasped.

"... Yep! You're way more reliable than Kaede! So you should work for me!"


"No, don't, Gonta! He's a huge liar!" you said, narrowing your eyes at him.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah! Oh, and don't talk about Kaede like that! At least she actually tried to do something to stop the killing game!"

Kaede didn't say anything, instead looking away with a slight blush and a smile.

"Oh? Are you on her side, Y/N?" Kokichi smirked.

In all honesty, he couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, which was completely out of character for him.

"Of course! It's obvious that you're nothing but trouble, Kokichi!"

"Nee-hehe! Oh, okay! But only because you're so cute!"


Before you could process what Kokichi said, Monokuma showed up.

"Helloooo! Looks like you guys are having a good time. Let me join in," he said.

"What are you doing here?" Ryoma groaned.

"Ahh... I figured I'd give you guys a prize for surviving the class trial."

"A prize...?" Shuichi uttered.

"Rise and shine, ursine!"

The Monokubs showed up when Monokuma mentioned a prize. Well... four of them did. That made you remember that not only Miu died. Monokid was also destroyed during the execution.

"U-Um... The reward, right?" Monotaro rhetorically asked, seeming nervous.

"We... brought it, yep. So... I-I'll just give it to you, then..." Monophanie said shakily, equally as nervous.

"Hmm? My kids seem a little under the weather. Well, even so, they're still freakin' adorable," Monokuma gushed.

There was an awkward silence before Monosuke spoke up.

"... Anyway, we're gonna hand out the rewards youse all have been waitin' for," he stated. The Monokubs each pulled out four objects. "Listen up! Cuz we got these here fabulous nonsensical prizes for youse! A Dragan Gem, an Ocarina, an Ancient Passport, and a Hexagonal Crank from some zombie game! These prizes all come in a bundle!"

"Wow! What a bunch of random junk! Bravo, bravo!" Monotaro cheered.

"Yayyyyy! I-I don't get why these are prizes, but aren't they lovely anyway!?" Monophanie added.

"What's all this crap? What are we supposed to do with this?" Kaito asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe there's a way to use them without knowing what they're for?" Monokuma replied, "Who cares? Just put your best foot forward. It's easier to move forward than backward."

"How nice," Gonta grinned.

"Wow, you really are gullible..." you mumbled.

"Anyway, that's the situation so just do your best however you please!" Monokuma concluded.

With that, Monokuma left.

"... LET'S-GO," Monodam said, surprising you a little.

"You're gonna get payback for all the bullying by attacking us in our secret weak point!" Monosuke exclaimed.

"Secret weak point? You mean... the name of our necks!?" Monophanie questioned.

"N-Not that! Anything but that!" Monotaro pleaded.

"Wait, so the nape of your necks is your weak point?" Tsumugi asked.


"... What? Get along? Really?" Monotaro wondered.

"Don't let 'im fool ya! He killed Monokid, remember!?" Monosuke pointed out.

"So long! Bear-well!"

With that, the Monokubs left you all with those items.

"Hmm... Seeing that robot-looking one get left out makes me think of Keebo..." Kokichi uttered.

"Am I really excluded!?" Keebo yelped.

"No, Kokichi's just a jerk!" you comforted.

"So... what should we do with this junk?" Maki asked.

"Hmm... Maybe they're for those mysterious things all over the campus," Kaede suggested.

"And what'll happen when we do?" Ryoma inquires.

"I... I don't know."

"Well, we'll know once we try. I'll take the junk, then," Kokichi said, reaching out for the objects, but you quickly slapped his hand away before he could touch them, "Owww! What was that for?"

"I don't trust you with this stuff, and I'm sure everyone else can agree with me," you stated.

"Yeah, let's leave this to Shuichi," Kaito agreed.

"What? Me?" Shuichi squeaked.

"You're the Ultimate Detective, yeah? You should be good at weirdo puzzles like this. So I'm gonna leave it to you!"

"... Okay... I'll try."

"Maaan... Whatevs, I guess that's fine," Kokichi pouted.

With that, you finished up your meeting, and you went your separate ways.

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A/N: I'm going to make Kaede a romantic love interest.

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