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Failed Attempts

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When you made it all the way down the ladder, you saw a large, open area.

"It's more spacious than I thought it'd me..." Ryoma commented.

"Yodelay-hee-oooooo!" Kokichi shouted, his voice echoing off the walls.

"What is this place...?" Maki uttered, glancing around the area.

"An old industrial passageway, I suspect... Perhaps factories once existed here?" Kirumi started.

"And this is all that's left of 'em," Kaito finished.

"Hey, take a look at this," Rantaro said, pointing at a sign that read 'Exit,' "What a considerate sign... Apparently, the end of the tunnel is the exit."

"Considerate? You don't think it's weird that someone went out of their way to write 'exit'?" Tenko pointed out.

"Hah-haha! Don't piss yourself in fear! Your natural scent is bad enough!" Miu insulted.

"I-I'm not scared! And I smell just fine!"

"Can you guys please shut up? We don't exactly have time to fight," you huffed, a bit annoyed by their squabbling.

"Well then, go on ahead. No point standing around here," Rantaro said.

"Ah, yeah..." Shuichi murmured.

"No need to worry!" Kaede encouraged, "It looks a bit dangerous, but we're all Ultimates here! As long as we work together, everything will work out just fine!"

"Y-Yeah... you're right."

"That's exactly what I was gonna say! We're really on the same wavelength, Akamatsu-chan!" Kaito grinned, "Gimme a hug!"

"Um... no," Kaede declined politely.

"Typical degenerate behavior! You were trying to trick her into pressing her boobs against you!" Tenko accused.

"I don't think that was his intention..." you uttered.

You all turned to the dark tunnel. With a bit of hesitation, Kaede walked into the tunnel, everyone following shortly after her.

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After so many tries... you couldn't escape... Kaede was so determined to leave, even after Monokuma and the Monokubs said that the exit sign was just a rouse and that there was no way out. Kaede encouraged everyone, brought their hopes up, but each time they put their foot forward, they got pushed back. You were starting to get discouraged, and not to mention tired.

"Failed... again," Gonta murmured after another failed attempt.

"I can't... go on..." Tsumugi panted.

"Wait, we can't give up. This time, we'll-" Kaede began.

"Akamatsu-chan..." you uttered, looking at her with heavy eyes.


"You're free to keep trying on your own, but forcing us to join you is basically torture," Kokichi replied for you, seeming genuinely burnt out.


"You know what really hurts? Being denied the right to give up in an impossible situation... You won't let us give up and no matter what we say, you have the moral high ground... That... doesn't sound like torture to you? When you say we can't give up, you're not inspiring us - you're strong-arming us!"

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