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Ding dong, bing bong

You groaned and covered your head with your pillow, trying to block out the Monokubs' morning announcement. You're usually used to waking up so early for ballet practice, but after yesterday's events, you were tired beyond belief. A cold shower would probably wake you up.

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The cold shower did, in fact, wake you up. You didn't exactly enjoy cold showers, but they got the job done, and they made your skin better, according to your dermatologist.

When you made it to the dining hall, you saw that everyone had already gathered around the long table.

"Now... all of us have arrived," Korekiyo said as you walked in, "Kehehe... I'm glad. It looks as though there were no victims."

"But of course!" Keebo exclaimed.

"By the way... are you okay, Kaede?" Kokichi asked, his use of her first name leading you to believe that you were all now probably on first name basis.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kaede replied.

"Well... you looked really bummed out after everyone started blaming you yesterday."

"H-Hey... What are you doing all of-" Tsumugi started, but was cut off.

"Seriously, you guys are so mean. Poor girl... She teied her best to encourage everyone, and you sore losers got mad at her anyway."

"Um... Weren't you the one who started blaming Kaede in the first place, Kokichi?" you questioned.

"Eh? N-Now it's my fault? Why are you guys ganging up on me? WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! You guys are terrible! So horrible, so mean!"

"Hmph, you're too noisy. Cut it out," Ryoma huffed.

"But it's true. Everyone blames Kaede without taking any responsibility themselves," Kaito pointed out.

"Hey, come on now. Everyone was probably just tired," Rantaro reasoned.

"Shut it! That's no excuse!"

"No, it's okay! It doesn't bother me!" Kaede claimed, "It's just... I should've been more considerate of everyone's feelings. I was too focused on the tunnel... So, I'm sorry..."

"... Alright, well... If you're okay with it, then so am I."

"Phew, cool beans! Now everything's settled!" Kokichi sighed.

"... But you did blame her first, didn't you?" Keebo stated.

"Well, that was a lie. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. Did you know half my lies are actually told with good intentions?"

"Now that sounds like a lie," Himiko said.

"Let's just forget about it and discuss something else," Kaede suggested, "Okay? Let's all think about ways to get out of here."

Right after Kaede said that, Monokuma popped up out of nowhere.

"Before you do that, I have an announcement!" he called out, to which you and Kaede let out frightened yelps.

"Hey, don't just suddenly show up! It's too much stress for my heart!" Tsumugi reprimanded.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to not surprise you."

"So you did mean to surprise us," Himiko concluded.

"Well? Your announcement?" Rantaro inquired.

"It's not terribly important, but..." Monokuma started, "It's easier to stay alive by being an oblivious goody two-shoes, right? Being thrust into a killing game doesn't mean you'll be able to kill someone easily... So I figured I'd ease you guys into the killing game by giving you motivation to kill."

"... Motivation to kill?" Maki repeated.

"In short, a motive! That oughta add some mystery into the proceedings! Even if a killer is exposed, they could whip up a sob story to deceive everyone!"

"Wh-What are you saying? Your logic is impossible to understand...!" Keebo said.

"I will now announce the first motive! Make sure to record this moment for posterity! Now then, the special motive I've prepared is called the First Blood Perk!"

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A/N: If you saw me post anything on my announcements board yesterday, then no you didn't.

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