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        It shocked you when Monokuma held a class trial even when he said he wouldn't. What shocked you even more was the result of the trial. You suppose you should've expected it from a girl like her. You felt bad, even if you didn't like her all too much. Even if she killed Himiko. But the world was cruel. The killing game was cruel. Monokuma was cruel.

That was why Miu was executed.

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        You fell asleep in your Ultimate Research Lab. After the class trial, you wanted nothing more than to dance your worries away. To dance the pain away. The pain of being in such a cruel game. You spent the night there, eventually growing tired from your dancing and curling up on the stage.

You woke up to the feeling of someone shaking you roughly and the sound of multiple people calling out your name. You groaned as your eyes fluttered open. The light of your Research Lab blinded you momentarily, but when you finally adjusted to the brightness, you saw Kaede, Shuichi, and Kirumi standing over you with worried expressions on their faces.

"Good, you're awake," Kirumi sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness! We were so worried about you!" Kaede followed.

"Yeah, we thought you..." Shuichi trailed off, not finishing his sentence.

"Ah... Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you guys..." you uttered, rubbing your eyes as you sat up.

"So... We're all meeting up in the dining hall," Kaede said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes. I can treat you to breakfast if you would like," Kirumi added, a warm smile on her face.

"That'd be nice... I just need to brush my teeth and stuff, and I'll be right there," you said, standing up.

They nodded in understanding. You all left the Research Lab, and you went seperate ways.

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        You spent longer than you wanted to in the shower. You had zoned out for a while, but after realizing how long you were taking, you quickly finished up and ran to the dining hall.

"Oh, so you finally decided to show up?" Rantaro asked jokingly when you got there.

"Yeah, sorry for the wait!" you apologized.

"By the way, that thing Gonta talked about earlier... are we going to go check it out?" Ryoma asked.

"Huh? What thing?"

"Graffiti. Gonta find it this morning," Gonta claimed, making you even more confused than before.

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