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"Mauled to shreds by countless Monokumas, from the rumored Monokuma-making machine!" Monokuma continued, "So unless you wanna end up as pink smears, you might wanna take this game seriously! Ahhhhh-hahahahaha!"

"T-Time limit?!" Gonta yelped.

"What? Everyone will die?" Ryoma asked, trying to seem calm even though he was nervous.

"What!? That's not fair!" Tenko claimed.

"Geez, why'd you guys even come to this school if you're not gonna play the killing game?" Monokuma groaned.

"We didn't come here willingly - you brought us here!" you huffed.

"Quick question, Father!" Monotaro said, "What do you mean by 'countless Monokumas'? I thought we were up once time ran out."

"Damn right! Let the Exisals do their thing this time!" Monokid chimed in.

"But... I'd rather not go through that again... I'd feel bad if you guys tired yourselves out..." Monokuma replied.

"But if we let the Exisals get popular, we could have a real cash cow on our hands, y'know?" Monosuke pointed out, "The merchandising rights alone would make us richer than sultans."

"Hmmmm, sultans huh? Very tempting, but... I won't let you kid ruin your futures! You need to have your own kids and ruin their futures!"

"D-Daddy! You love us so much!" Monophanie cried.

"Th-That's enough!" Kaede exclaimed.

"Oh. You're still here," Monokuma uttered.

"Of course! We never left!"

"Why are you doing this!? How much suffering do you want to put us through!?" Keebo demanded.

"I see... Well, if you're suffering, you all better hurry up and start the killing game," Monokuma stated, "Puhuhu... Then you can say bye-bye to the suffering."

"Y-You bastard!" Kaito cursed.

"Don't you realize that working together is pointless? So just knock it off already. You know what you gotta do, don't you? You're surrounded by strangers, neither allies nor friends. No need to worry about them."

"Plus, you got the First Blood Perk! That means the first kill is free!" Monosuke added.

"But... the killing game is gory, huh? I'm startin' to feel a little quesy..." Monophanie mumbled.

"Hell yeah! And if they don't play, then they're dead anyway, and that's way more gore-ay!" Monokid followed.

"I see... If it's gratuitous, over-the-top gore, I might be able to stomach that... Forget the killing game, then! It'd be better for you all to just die together!"

"Shut up and get the FUCK back!" Miu yelled.

"... Well, what you guys decided next is all up to you. Do whatever you want," Monokuma said, "You can all die working together, or you can survive on your own. It's your call. Ah-hahahaha!"

With that information, Monokuma left you all in the dining hall.

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A/N: I was going to make this chapter longer, but I didn't really feel like it. I spent, like, two hours taking my hair down, and it's getting late, so I don't want to spend all night writing this chapter. This will probably be one of my longer books with a bunch of filler chapters because of this, but I'd rather write a long book with short chapters than a short book with long chapters. It makes it easier for me, at least. Well, I guess they won't be too short since I want my chapters to be at least two hundred words long, minus the author's notes, titles, and chapter(s) with the pictures of the yanderes. Sorry, I'm ranting.

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