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"... What...?" you uttered, looking at Kokichi with wide eyes.

He chuckled and walked closer to you, causing you to step back. You should've guessed that he was going to back you against the wall.

"Oh, Y/N~ You should know that I'm good at hiding how I feel... Meaning that I can hide my love for you very well~" he sighed, holding your face in his hands, "If you want me to let me go, then you're gonna have to kiss me. On the lips."

You didn't want to... but you also didn't want to be stuck in Rantaro's room. So, you sucked up your pride and leaned in to give Kokichi a kiss.

You guess you were going to slow for his liking because Kokichi ended up grabbing your hair and forcing you into the kiss. It wasn't gentle or short and sweet. It was like he was trying to get a whole makeout session from you.

You tried to get out of his grasp, but he only held on tighter. When did Kokichi get so strong?! As you continued to struggle, you felt a shadow loom over you. Kokichi also seemed to notice it because he pulled away and looked behind himself in annoyance. Rantaro had entered the room, and he looked pissed...

"Kokichi... What are you doing to my angel...?" he murmured, narrowing his eyes at the shorter boy.

"Nehehe... You mean my lover? Doing what lovers do, of course!" Kokichi replied.

Kokichi went to steal another kiss from you, but before he could, Rantaro ripped him away from you and threw him to the ground. Kokichi only laughed and brought Rantaro down with him. That was how they started the brawl, throwing punches and kicks and blood.

You looked around the room, desperate for an escape. The only way out of the room was the door, but the two of them were blocking it, and you didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. You didn't know what to do... You were stuck.

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