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"Maaaan, Father is in the zone! I was gettin' irritated till he said all that!" Monotaro stated.

"Hell yeah! Let's toss back some honey to celebrate Papa Kuma's return!" Monokid cheered, "Yo, Monodam! Go get some pure organic honey! Pour some honey on meeeeeee! In the name of killing...!"

"So long! Bear-well!"

The Monokubs left, leaving you all filled with fear and despair. You felt so conflicted. In two days... if someone didn't kill, then you would all die. You didn't want to kill someone or see someone killed... but you also didn't want to die.

You were starting to feel incredibly nervous as you looked around the dining hall. You could see everyone's mouths moving, but you couldn't hear them.

'What's going on...?' you thought, suddenly out of breath. Kaede turned to you, her face showing concern. Her lips moved, but you couldn't hear her. 'Huh...? What are you saying, Kaede...?'

"I... I think I need to lie down..." you murmured, feeling lightheaded.

"This killing game is stressing you out, isn't it?" Kirumi asked sympathetically, "Allow me to escort you to your room. You need rest."

She gently took your hand and helped you back to the dormitory, almost everybody watching you worriedly. Almost.

As you and Kirumi went to the dormitory, you suddenly felt a rush of emotion. You wanted to cry. No, you couldn't cry! That's stupid...

But even then, salty tears flowed from your eyes, dripping down your cheeks. You tried to wipe them away, not wanting to show weakness, but they just kept coming.

"I don't wanna die..." you whimpered.

"You won't die..." Kirumi comforted. For some reason, she was starting to feel... affectionate towards you. Like a mother would be to her daughter, or like a girl to her younger sister. Something about you made her want to protect you. "You won't die... I promise..."

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A/N: I accidentally followed someone on TikTok, and they followed me back, so now I have to act like I'm actively looking at their content (their stuff is actually really good).

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