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"Wow! For the first murder that occurs, no class trial will be held! Can you believe it?" Monokuma continued, "That means the first one to kill someone will get to graduate, no string attached!"

"No class trial will be held?" Maki repeated.

"I'm sorry that I made the class trial seem more important than it really is... So for the first murder, I've decided not to hold a class trial at all. Please just relax, calm down, and kill! After all, the first one's free!"

"Huh? That's all? We just gotta kill someone to get outta here!?" Miu questioned.

"'That's all'!? What's that supposed to mean!? Please just calm down!" Keebo instructed.

"First Blood Perk!? Don't make it sound like some kidn of game show bonus!" Tenko yelled.

"Puhuhu... You say that, but I bet you're really happy, huh?" Monokuma assumed.

"There's no way I'm happy!"

"S-Stop messing around... Do you think this is funny for us?" Kaede demanded.

"... Hm?" Monokuma hummed.

"Do you really think I'd kill someone just to get out? In your dreams! We're not gonna lose to you! We promised each other we'd escape from this place!"

"Puhuhu... Spare me your false bravado. You should be focusing on how you plan to survive. You just gotta kill someone, right?"

"Why you... bastard!" Kaito spat.

"I see... The prisoner's dilemma. How very clever of you, Monokuma," Rantaro commented.

"Huh? What's a prisoner's dilemma?" you asked.

"We all know it's better to cooperate rather than betray each other, right? But if you don't cooperate, you receive some benefit that no one else gets. It's an incentive to betray the group to give yourself an advantage. With that in the back of all of our minds, we're less likely to cooperate. That's Monokuma's plan. To make a non-cooperative game that tanks Kaede's plan to get us to cooperate."

"What?" Kaede gasped.

"And if a murder were to occur... it'd be even more unlikely that we'd cooperate," Shuichi added.

"It's likely he created this perk for that sole purpose," Korekiyo noted.

"Right? I bet you can't stand all this tension in the air, right? So it's better to just kill!" Monokuma encouraged.

"Wh-What...? You..." Tenko stammered.

"It seems you are quite serious about forcing us to participate in this killing game," Kirumi pointed out, "What exactly is your objective?"

"His objective doesn't matter! I'm through letting him have his way!" Kaito shouted, "I've have enough!!!"

Kaito lunged toward Monokuma with the intention to grab him.

"Rise and shine, ursine!" the Monokubs sang as they popped up in front of Monokuma, preventing Kaito's attack.

"Hell yeah! Looks like we got ourselves a volunteer!" Monokid cheered.

"Finally, it's time for the Exisals!" Monotaro exclaimed.

"We won't let you lay a hand on Daddy! We want Daddy to smile every day!" Monophanie claimed.

"Youse bastards better pay attention! This is what happens when you mess with us!" Monosuke bellowed.

"H-Hey! We don't need the Exisals here! Kaito was just joking!" you tried to reason, but the Monokubs disregarded your words.

"Run, Kaito!" Kaede screamed.

At that moment, menacing mechanical noises filled you ears... and the Exisals charged. You squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting to see the death of your newfound friend. But, strangely enough, you didn't hear Kaito screaming out in main. No, the sound of crushing metal echoed throughout the dining hall. And then... a gasp.

You opened your eyes only to see Monotaro, who was in his Exisal, crushing a groaning Monokuma under his foot. And just like that... Monokuma exploded, leaving behind only bits of his remains.

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A/N: So there are these four people that go to my school, right? Two boys and two girls. The boys are so ugly-cute, and the girls are so pretty. Like, they're so weirdly beautiful that I can't even fathom it. Like, there are so many other pretty people at my school, like these two other girls, but those four just stand out in a way that I can't explain it. They give me bisexual panic.

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