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        As Rantaro watched you and Maki chat gleefully, his plan already forming in his mind, somebody tapped him on the shoulder. He groaned and looked behind him to see Shuichi.

"Um... Are you okay? You're kinda zoning out..." Shuichi pointed out.

"Huh? Oh... Yeah, I'm fine," Rantaro replied, putting back on his nice guy facade.

Shuichi peered into the library to see what Rantaro was looking at. He saw you and Maki, and the two of you seemed so... close... That was odd. He's never seen you and Maki friendly until now. He was especially confused because of how you all had just found out that Maki was the Ultimate Assassin. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous...

"... What are they doing together...?" Shucihi asked.

Noticing Shuichi's jealousy, Rantaro smirked.

'Hmm... Maybe he can get the job done...' he thought.

"Shuichi, you need to listen to me carefully," he claimed with a sense of urgency, pulling Shuichi close, "Maki's manipulating Y/N. She's manipulating her in order to kill her and get out of here. I need your help to stop her from doing that."

Shuichi looked at Rantaro with wide eyes. As the Ultimate Detective, he may not be able to see through all of Kokichi's lies because he was so proficient at it, but Rantaro's were easy since he wasn't one to lie. But the question was... why was he lying about Maki manipulating you? He'd go along with it for now...

Shuichi nodded and shook Rantaro's hand, agreeing to help him. He then turned and walked into the library, telling you and Maki that they had found another Flashback Light.

"Oh, really?" you said, jumping up, "Come on, Harumaki! Let's go!"

Maki blushed at the nickname as you led her out of the library, a pep in your step.

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        When the extreme brightness of the Flashback Light blinded your eyes, you were just as shocked as the first time. Your consciousness went all white. In that whiteness, a scene played out.

It was a memorial. There was a white table surrounded by flowers and candles. On the table were pictures of each and every one of you, including pictures of the deceased.

"They were so young and talented... How could this happen?"

"It looked like... an accident. They were running away from that group."

"... Was it really just an accident though? I honestly can't believe that."

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A/N: I feel like it's a bad thing that I'm starting to lose my appetite. I don't get hungry as often as I used to, and when I do get hungry, a lot of things don't sound appealing. Idk if it's because I'm picky or overreacting, but I think I should be concerned.

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