Day 182

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Our group members are scattered about in various places, as they move towards each of the locations that we were requested at.

As for the contents of the requests, they include:

Town Defense

Guard nobles as they go to inspect their territories

Subjugation of a band of thieves hiding in the nearby mountains

Subjugation of aggressive monsters


Before, our only client was the Tomboy Princess. However, thanks to our mercenary group's name becoming well known, many new clients have suddenly appeared, forming a queue. Due to the recent coup d'état significantly affecting public order, thieves and bandits are moving about in the open. Knowing this, I've sent members towards villages where the feudal lords and village chiefs were troubled by the situation. By doing this, we should be able to take about half of the current requests.

By completing the requests we receive, our reputation will increase. Even though we're not in need of money, there's no reason to decline something that will result in a comparatively high monetary reward. For their convenience, I had the members that would need to deploy in the future gather at the mansion in the Royal Capital and in the Labyrinth City ≪Purgatory≫. By adjusting their schedules, they should be able to complete requests.

Although some of them didn't want their vacations to end, they'll just have to be patient for their own sake. Since a bit more preparation is required before we can start full-scale mobilization, I'll treat them well for now.

Once I gave out instructions and finished breakfast, I returned to the Royal Capital. After being seen off by Blacksmith, I enjoyed my trip in the air for a bit. I caught several flying monsters on the way and ate them, but I wasn't able to learn anything new.

As I expected, I'd need to stop and hunt a large number of them. After I ate a certain amount, I stopped hunting them and quickened my pace a bit. I caught sight of the Royal Capital before too much time had passed. After landing on the ground, I used the【Proof of Belonging to Royal Authority】to enter the city.

There weren't that many people out on the streets near the castle before, but the place appears to be back to normal and it's full of even more vigor than before. There were a lot of Humans walking on the roads as shopkeepers attempted to attract customers.

I headed for the mansion on the border of the Nobles and Castle Districts that I was given as a reward, all the while thinking, "As expected of the Royal Capital."

Along the way, while I was walking around and checking out the prices of merchandise in the stores and street stalls, the number of people around me that were whispering and pointing at me gradually increased. Thanks to my superior hearing, I was able to hear them without doing anything. Still, I used 【Wiretapping】 to get rid of the noise so I could clearly hear their voices. According to what I'm hearing, it seems that they're saying the following...

『Look. That's the trump card I've heard from the stories.』

『His skills are the real deal. At the beginning of his fight, I saw him instantly kill a Jadar Wyvern in the arena. That guy is amazing.』

『Haa haa. Amazing, real one, the real one, it's the real one! Buhaa!!』

Looks like most of them were present during my fight in the arena. It seems that they were whispering about my active role as a member of the Tomboy Princess's camp during the coup d'état. On top of that, there were some men and women, both young and old, that had an atmosphere similar to that of the First Queen and Dark Hero. Many of them were acting like they were praying to the Gods, but they weren't the worst kind.

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