Day 209

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The 46th floor and everything under it consisted of a waterfall that poured down from the ceiling. A countless amount of waterways stretched out in mid-air, while the ground below held a countless number of neighboring lakes and subterranean lakes. The structure and its characteristics were somewhat similar to what I'd seen before.

There's the vertical loop trap that surrounds the countless number of waterways in mid-air. In the lakes, there's also the trap of the sacred lotus leaves that returns you to the beginning. The small rooms in the underground lakes also held sinking traps.

There are some places where you can collect items where your ankles are submerged like in the wetlands, there are rapids, and there's even a place where a rainbow is created by the spray of the waterfall that is pouring down. However, there are also things that weren't there up until now.

In the center of the floor, whereas the waterfall only counted as one floor, it has now become a huge cascade that is several kilometers in height that pierces through every thick layer separating each of the floors between the 46th to the 50th.

The heart of the waterfall connects to the lowest part of the 50th floor. It would be one method of reaching the bottom floor immediately by leaping in and plunging down. Nevertheless, there's a high probability that one would die if one were to jump.

The surroundings of the huge waterfall have been set up as an area where you cannot fly and where you have no choice but to fall. If you'd jump in the huge waterfall, you'd first of all be confronted by an enormous quantity of water and its corresponding water pressure. That alone might crush one's body. Even if you're fortunate enough to arrive at the lowest level, you'd have fallen down several kilometers from the sky.

When doing this, you'd surely feel an impact that's harder than being thrown into solid concrete. You wouldn't even be aware that you'd have died the moment you hit the water. Even if you didn't die, it would be more than likely that you'd end up with a considerable serious injury. On top, you might not even be able to surface by the constant volume of water that falls on top of you.

Only a fool would challenge the dungeon boss in this situation. Because of these reasons, I basically decided not to be lazy and travel down the stairs in a normal fashion. While I advanced normally, as I expected of the final levels, I came across a rampant amount of dungeon monsters that frequently appeared on the previous levels. The area here is so wide, it cannot be compared to anything I've seen before.

On top, there were:

"[Warpidron] children, who are inferior to the [Warpidron] floor boss

"War Skull Lizards"

"Crysora Crab Lords"

"Vortex Turtles"

"Lord Gillman Riders"


"Ball Golems"

"Blood Eaters"


If you classify floor bosses as underbosses, these give of the feel of being powerful enemies like mini-bosses. A mini-boss is not a floor boss, but it is still an existence with a considerably delicious taste if you defeat it. Because I also earned the extravagant treasure chests they are guarding when I defeated them, I found it more useful to eat the corpses.

The treasure chests often held【Ancient】-class magic items and even when I got unlucky, they still held a lot of magic metal ingots and a large amount of gold coins.

After killing the mini-bosses that caught my attention, I went ahead and advanced. In the middle of the 48th floor, I spotted a party of 8 people fighting. They were still considerably far away. Their party was composed of a vanguard consisting out of 3 people, a middle guard out of 2 people and their rear guard of 3 people.

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