Day 212

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Since yesterday, Kanami didn't leave my side, aside from the time I went to the restroom. With her arms around my neck, she clung to my back. I don't want to say that it currently looks like a child clinging to an adult, but it's hard to describe our current appearance in another way.

Well, I can't say anything about this scenario, I can't do anything but smile with satisfaction. "Is it ok like this?" I think to myself. I guess so, as I'm not particularly tired and I do not dislike being embraced.

Seeing Kanami like this, and with Argento and Auro on both my arms, I didn't have any problems with it. I gave up because it was some form of physical contact. Because I'm a father as well, I can be serious in some cases. Because I normally don't have a lot of time, I really do not have any reason to complain.

Aside from that, I decided to open the collected treasure chests today. Even though I could have done it yesterday as well, I wanted to see how much the remodeling of the store had advanced yesterday. I also wanted to see how much the training of the leader of ≪Solitude≫ had progressed.

I also wanted to check how much Redhead and Boy Knight had grown. On top, there were a lot of other miscellaneous duties, like arranging the pricing of the items on display in the store. Because of all that, I postponed it until today.

By the way, the one thing that was most troublesome to do yesterday, was the pricing. The items that I got from the【Age of the Gods Dungeon】, were similar to【Artifacts】exactly because they came from an【Age of the Gods Dungeon】. In other words, they were superior articles to items that showed similar effects. Even if you take just one recovery potion for instance, its effect was several percentages higher than something with the same quantity and same size.

So among customers there are a lot of people that want and need recovery potions, such as soldiers and adventures. However, when it comes to 【Divine's Lost Legacy】, because of their heightened effect, they're used the moment they're found by the person conquering the dungeon in most of the cases. Therefore, there's a considerably low quantity that is up for sale.

Even if you put something on the market from an【Age of the Gods Dungeon】because the demand is high, they're often bought by other adventurers. For that reason, the amount that's being exported is very limited, considering the expenses can increase in various ways, by things such as tariffs and transportation fees.

Even if, in the best circumstances, if I'd part way with a large amount of【Divine's Lost Legacy】that I got from the【Age of the Gods Dungeon】, people would need to come from the Labyrinth cities, or would need to send a subordinate to come and collect the goods. It'll be even harder if they do not possess the suitable financial assets. These goods might not be sold straight away, even if they're highly desirable.

Regardless, if I consider the death toll of the enemies I crossed in the pathways and corridors as I advanced, I was able to collect a countless amount of treasure chests, and take their contents back home with me.

Looks like【Luck】and【Golden Rule】did their job, because the drop rate was high and there were a lot of items inside the treasure chests. It included items such as low-grade recovery potions, which I could still sell separately for a high price.

Even though the cost of acquiring them for myself was almost zero and I pretty much got them for free, the Famous Spring Eggplant is a high-value ingredient. One piece of ingredient is worth several silver coins. It's also common for magic items such as armor to reach up to value of a golden plate.

In other words, if I can sell them, I can make an easy profit. Even if I lower my prices and sell it, I'd still get a considerable profit. However, that's what makes pricing difficult.

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