Day 202

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I decided that I would take a rest yesterday after arriving at the stairs that led to the the next floor, floor 15. Because the corridors from the 11th to the 14th flood had a much simpler structure than the ones I've passed thus far. Hmm, I probably would have arrived to the 15th floor sooner if I was actually moving at my full pace. However, since I got great results during the day, it wasn't really that much of a problem.

If I had to summarize the 11th through 14th floors, I'd have to call it akin to a beautiful lake. Even though it's completely underground, there's a blue sky with white clouds. There was even a pseudo-sun that shone brilliantly over each individual floor. A countless number of trees grew around the lake, even though there was such a small amount of land.

I was curious, so I flew up to check it out and it turned out the blue sky and white clouds were simply an image on the ceiling roughly 50 meters above the ground. It doesn't really move, but from afar it really looks like the real deal. Well, even though it was rather pointless to elaborate, I was still amazed if but for a moment

As I stood on the land that was in the center of the floor where this huge lake spread, I see a countless amount of big and small lakes scattered around on the horizon. The diameter of the huge lake slightly exceeded 1 kilometer. The surrounding lakes have extreme differences in size, ranging from a few ten meters to a few hundred meters, where the depth of this huge lake in the middle looks to be the deepest. The limit seems to be around 50 meters.

Only small plots of land seem to separate one lake from another, and they're submerged to the point that one's feet are already underwater. I'd say that the ratio of water to land would be around 8 to 2.

Because my current location is pretty shallow and filled with spring water, it is transparent to such an extent that I can see the bottom. I can even spot the shadows of the dungeon monsters that are swimming around, and it almost seems like their bodies are swimming in the sky.

The feeling of being cooped-up that I had up until has disappeared due to this huge space, and the atmosphere has changed entirely. When I drank it, the water had a nice clear taste, and the scenery was so beautiful that I had to admire it. This is a very good spot for sightseeing. Though, it really is dangerous.

Hmmm, ya, this is really nice. Ah, I suppose I should mention that the monsters that appeared on those floors were different. Dungeon monsters that spawned in the hallways and corridors seemed to have favored quantity over quality, or at least in the first ten floors as it switched to quality over quantity for the 11th through 14th.

The amount of monsters that I've found here thus far has been considerably lower, probably three at most, though I suppose I shouldn't be careless as their strength easily is equal to that of several monsters from the 10th floor.

Additionally, the monsters here seem to blend in with the plants that grow naturally around the lake, so it's actually quite difficult to advance over the land than the water. However, I concluded that the dungeon monsters that lurked underwater are even more vicious than those on land. Sigh, I can't even lower my guard for a single moment to enjoy the atmosphere of these floors, I suppose that's what being a【Demigod】entails. I see.

That said, while there is a substantial level of danger, the 11th through 14th floor are famous places to make money. While I haven't made it there yet, the 15th sounded like it was the same. The reason being that the chance to encounter monsters is far lower, and having a select group of excellent scouts in your party makes it all the easier to evade them.

Not to mention that the monsters are delicious, though I suppose it's not just that as there are very rare items that can be obtained with ease here. Though, while harder, I recall that there are other locations you can obtain them. The quantity you can obtain them here, however, is what draws such a large amount of adventurers.

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