Day 200

12 1 0

Mmm, perhaps this is a bit sudden, but I think I'll discuss the Paraberangers. The Paraberangers are made up of the 5 goblins that had decided it was a good idea to attack me in the middle of the night. They were repulsed quickly though and have worked themselves to the bone as my slaves since. On the day they attacked me it was with the intention to help their fellow starving goblins, thus they were only trying to get me to share my food with the starving.

Basically they were indirectly trying to save the weak, a rather unusual desire for the average goblin since it is in the very nature of a goblin to submit to the strong and oppress the weak.

Well, I can't call them renegades or vigilantes, but the 5 of them just seemed to have gathered in one place and united under a single goal. For the Paraberangers, villains and enemies, no matter how they beg for mercy, will be slaughtered without hesitation. In normal circumstances, they keep rather cool heads, but if one of their comrades, women or children are threatened and failed to save them, they would get rather distraught.

Ogres that have a similar mentality to humans is rather unique, so I suppose it can just be attributed to their individuality. Personally I don't see it as a bad thing. First off, thanks to such a personality, the 5 have superior confidence and work hard and beyond their abilities, thus becoming strength for me.

The Paraberangers were stationed at the border between the Sternbild Kingdom and the Kirika Empire. Just today they had saved an armed group that was under assault by some Orcs, saving the daughter of a Count from the Kirika Empire. They simply could not abandon the human party and thus rushed straight in to gallantly save them.

The Count's daughter was accompanied by a detachment of rather muscular guards and had not only delayed, but significantly reduced the number of Orcs. It would seem that the Orc horde were being led by an Orc Mage. The result of the Paraberangers joining the fray resulted in the total annihilation of the Orcs.

They then met with the Count's daughter who requested their escort since her current guards had been greatly depleted during the struggle. Being completely unable to refuse the pleading woman, the Ogre 5 are currently accompanying the Count's daughter as they go deeper into Sternbild Kingdom's territory.

It would seem that the Count's daughter was traveling under the radar, carrying documents from the Tomboy Princess. It smells like rather small business, so I wasn't rather interested in the details. Kanami is in charge of the fees for our services so there was no need for me to get further involved. Back to business.

After breakfast, I opened the door into the boss room and began to wait. On the 5th floor there was a rather broad, square-shaped room with walls that had to measure at least 100 meters in height. The walls were decorated similar to the corridors, making it seem similar to that of a temple, the air is purified. If there were undead monsters here, I think they might seriously take damage with such holy air.

Well, I couldn't just leave it there so I summoned a Black Skeleton to test it. It almost immediately turned into smoke as a result. On the ceiling were the faces of countless gods, with 5 painted pillars in homage to the Great Gods in the middle of the room. The black pillar most likely represented the Great God of Origin and Demise.

On the pillar was a depiction of someone, it wasn't really clear whether it was a male or a female person. In their hands, a spear forged by misfortunes. It is probably because of the fact this person has the same divine protection as I did, that they looked familiar despite it being the 1st time I've ever seen them. There's a certain feeling of nostalgia.

Well, while I fell into a minor stupor staring at the depiction of the dark warrior, water began gushing out in massive quantities from the center of the room. The water quickly enveloped the entire floor of this huge room, raising the water levels up as high as my hips before it finally stopped.

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