Day 191

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It's the second day of the opening sale. It looks like the visitors that came on the shop's opening day spread the word even more, as we had a fair number of customers this morning. However, the social class of the visitors seemed to lean towards one side. To be more specific, while they weren't the kind of wealthy merchants that might be richer than a poor noble, there were still many people with fairly high positions in the Royal Capital there, such as aristocratic military officers and city officials.

Although there were nobles who visited the shop and brought several servants with them, there were also those that ordered servants, such as their butlers and maids, to purchase goods while observing the store. Although the proportion of these types was roughly 50-50, I'm personally more grateful for the former than I am the latter.

When the latter comes by to run their master's errand, they frequently purchase goods for their own use as well. The servants have a very high salary for a commoner, and there's a number of items they're able to choose from and buy themselves.

However, in the former's case, the attendants become baggage carriers as the nobles whimsically buy a large quantity of various items. Either that, or the items being bought are too expensive for the money to be given to a commoner. Of course I'm happy when situations like this occur. Contrary to my expectations before the store opened, I'm quite pleased that the expensive products are selling better than I expected.

By the way, I think that the Tomboy Princess and the First Queen are the cause of this increase in business. Either that, or it may have been because of the information that the First Queen's attendants brought back with them. I can't deny the possibility that they spread it through an information network, which would probably be a network of the【5 Great Gods Religion】's hidden believers.

When I observed our customers, not all of the nobles and their servants were members, but I was able to identify quite a few people wearing accessories with carved patterns indicating that they're one of the 【Five Great Gods Religion】's believers. In addition, I've recently gotten used to receiving customers, so I think it's safe to say that I can notice the way they gaze in my direction without saying anything.

Well, having said that, since it's highly likely that I won't have a lack of customers for the foreseeable future, the weight on my shoulders has decreased a bit. Although the store just opened, I wouldn't be able to laugh if we had no business at all. However, while this may be true, I'm still not relieved.

I'm assuming that most of our customers came out of curiosity the first time, which is useless if they stop coming. On top of that, I don't think they'll come back if we don't continue to improve the products and services that other stores don't have on a regular basis.

Also, because communication technology is still underdeveloped in this world, word of mouth is very important when it comes to advertising. Since it's very difficult to recover once you get a bad image, I need to make an effort to create a good first impression. For that reason, I received our customers with the most basic of things; a smile. However, there was one problem with that.

Even though the rest of my group's members are fine with it, my smile appears to have had quite an impact on the customers that came by for the first time yesterday, to such an extent that they lost all strength in their hips. Of course, this excludes the people that have already gotten to know me, like the Tomboy Princess, our glorious first customer.

According to the people in question, they seemed to instinctively think that they were about to get eaten.

According to the people in question, they seemed to instinctively think that they were about to get eaten

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