Day 197

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Today the group is staying in the Royal Capital. Sadly, there's not much going on right now. Even after the sale ended, there are still quite a few customers coming to the shop and the construction within the building is still ongoing.

The snow is still falling and the Skeleton Spider transportation has become a full-scale business. That's the story for today because nothing's really going on. I suppose I'll focus on what the other groups have been up to since there's nothing exciting going on. To be more precise, the main group that's at the base.

First, let's go over the Female Knight. She had offered her sword in loyalty to me, just as the other people who were caught in the Forest invasion a few months back did, such as the Clergymen and the Red Fencer, both of whom are guarding the base back in the Kuuderun Forest.

She had participated during the recent battle in the coup by hiding her identity behind a mask and managed to slay several dozen officers, greatly contributing to the course of the battle. As such, she was sent back on a tourist route and able to visit various cities.

Along the way, there were quite a few requests for Parabellum, though I still don't know where our name was leaked in the Sternbild Kingdom, but it's to be expected that our renown would spread. I only chose members that can accomplish the requests to accompany me to go and accept them.

Fortunately, the Female Knight was presumed dead during their previous war with the elves, so even though she's the daughter of a high noble family, she won't be recognized easily. That said, the chances someone might recognize her weren't zero, therefore, her group had to keep their sightseeing within normal bounds and had returned to the base rather quickly.

She's recently taken up going on strolls through the vast forest of ours, either going alone or with several of her subordinates, gathering up various materials on her way. The forest is vast and is gradually spreading with a constantly growing vitality like never before.

This is causing even more Spirit Stones to show up that are of an even greater quality. The quality thus also produces even better materials and is probably linked to the expansion and improvements of the hot springs.

To know where good materials are depends all on information gathering. While she and her subordinates are collecting materials, they also were making a map with the locations of various materials marked. For this, I'm grateful. Once I return home, I fully intend to give her a dress that's an [Ancient] class artifact from the【Age of the Gods Dungeon】s. Hmm, as for the other members, I suppose liquor and sake should be acceptable.


A certain Kobold that had【Rank Up】from a Kobold Footman to a Kobold Samurai went into the【Derived Dungeon】in the Labyrinth City. He had gathered up people who failed to achieve suitable achievements during the war and led them in diligently raising their levels while gathering magical items. If they are able to gather a certain amount of equipment, I'll probably give him a Falaise Eagle as a familiar.

Though I don't expect much from them, the dungeon capture speed was fairly faster than I had assumed, probably because of the strong devotion and loyalty from the Kobold Samurai that had taken command.

Unfortunately, during their dungeon conquest, a few of their party were killed, which immediately made it clear that the dungeon they took on was dangerous and that the dangers of the dungeon only increase as you progress. Such things do tend to happen no matter how much you prepare for it.

As such, I offered a silent prayer for the passed souls so that they may rest in peace. I don't hold the Kobold Akita, responsible for the casualties. As for what happened, Akita had attempted to do just about as much as possible, but the abilities of those who were killed were simply insufficient for the difficulty of that dungeon. The fault is on those who attempted something they were not ready for.

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