Day 201

11 0 0

Moving through a rather confusing maze of rooms and corridors and slaying the myriad of attacking monsters along the way, I continued to make progress further and further into the dungeon. The further I managed to get, the wider each unique floor became, and the more difficult it became to progress.

Though, thanks to my [Mental Map Creation] and [Intuition], I was able to find and take the shortest route possible without receiving any injuries. Because of this I was able to rest on the 11th floor today.

Yesterday was the cause of a fair amount of frustration as problem after problem occurred to ruin my mood. To begin with, the number of simple traps constantly increased which ended up delaying me. My abilities allowed me to avoid damage, but the constant traps led to many problems.

Compared to the beginning of the dungeon, the number of overhead traps increased greatly. Those ones were actually rather deadly and their effectiveness increased with a terrible speed with every floor I cleared.

If I didn't have [Sensor Phased Array], I would never have been able to avoid them all and my ability to progress through the dungeon would have been further delayed. The main problem, however, would be the dungeon's [Vessel Water Spirits] that are abundant within this dungeon. The dungeon itself seems to be shrouded in the [Divine Blessing] of some water spirit, so it has a great many water-related monsters.

To give an example, I recently got out of a small room that was filled with monsters. The moment an unsuspecting person enters the room and steps on the trigger in the entrance, the room will rapidly fill with water while the water-element monsters attack. Thus increasing the danger several folds.

The monsters are mostly water types which is usually not a problem, but for adventurers who are not a member of an aquatic race such as the Mermen, being either waist deep or submerged in water is extremely dangerous with these types of monsters. The chances of death for those who get caught in traps such as that one are very high. If not careful, entire parties could meet their doom when caught in those types of traps.

In addition, if the trap is activated, there is simply no way to stop it. The room will inevitably flood with water and can take up to 20 to 30 minutes before the water levels begin to decrease. The exit will open after that.

Luckily for me with [Water Body] and [Oxygen-less Function], even if I was caught in that trap, I would have been fine.

The severity of this dungeon is already rather high, but the lethality is only furthered because of the constant onslaught of monsters. During battles, there will often be monsters suddenly appearing from the deep water. Even if one is not knocked down and can receive the sudden monster's initial attack, the balance of the conflict can be greatly upset at critical moments. On top of that, pitfalls are even worse as weapons will come flying out of the hole as you fall in. Even if you dodge the pitfall initially, the water will rapidly flow downwards into it, pulling you towards it. The pressure of the water within those is usually so enormous that armor would end up crushed like paper.

There are also sudden torrents of water that will flood a corridor. These torrents are filled with monsters that will tear unsuspecting victims apart as a party's formation is shattered.

Due to the fact that everything about this dungeon is deadly, even if I managed to get through without taking damage, I still suffered a great deal through those trials. Though, it was mostly troubling because of just how many different traps simply led to a massive horde of monsters attacking you. Those took time to deal with and there were monsters constantly appearing in a near endless cycle.

Along these floors, the only monsters of note ended up numbering just 5. There were the Giant Steel Toads that hid themselves within the environment, waiting for their prey. They were giant bullfrogs almost 2 meters tall with steel scales and razor sharp teeth.

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