Part 1

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Attending company dinners was always boring. That was before our newest edition to the HR department, leo joined. He was a very handsome man and he knew it. He took care of himself well and everyone wanted him. Except me.

I couldn't deny his looks or his charming personality but we were just friends. He was super cool but no quite for me.

At least that's all I thought about our relationship til the night of the office dinner.

I arrived to the dinner in a tight black dress and red bottom heels. I noticed Leo gawking at me from the other side of the room but everyone was, so I didn't pay him any mind. I never made an effort for work so seeing me this dressed up was a special occasion.

I walked to check the seating chart and luckily I was sat next to leo. We got on really well as friends and I couldn't wait to talk shit about everyone at the office with him.

I made my way to the table and waited for him patiently. I knew I had seen him somewhere.

"Hey you look great" he said as he came up behind me.

"Hi!" I smiled "you look amazing too" I replied and stood up to hug him. He looked hot in a suit. 'What the fuck?' I asked myself internally.

"How long have you been waiting?" He asked and we sat down. I knew he saw me walk in but I didn't want to embarrass him.

"Long enough to see Phylis is that ugly purple dress. She looks like a grape." I sighed and he laughed.

As the night went on we drank more and more and soon we were drunk.

"Hey do you wanna take a walk around the building?" He asked me and I gave him a look.

"I'm extremely bored." He added.

"Why don't we just get out of here then?" I asked in response and expression completely changed.

"And go where?"

"Um my place." I suggested.

"Grab all the cheap wine you can and I'll order a cab" he said and giggled to eachother a little before setting off on our missions.

I managed to grab some bottles and met him outside.

"I just remembered I don't know your address he chuckled and held out his phone for me to type it in. I laughed as I typed in my address and gave him his phone back.

Shortly after that, the cab arrived and we clambered into the back.

"How many bottles did you get?" Leo asked and I pulled 4 bottles of red wine out of my bag as I gave him a mischievous smile.

"Nice!" He exclaimed and gave me a hi-five.

I sat and looked out of the window when a random thought popped into my head.

"You wanna play truths?" I asked "If you say no you're boring." I added.

"Okay sure," he replied "but promise to let me know if I go too far okay?" He rambled. He was respectful even when drunk. Kinda bare minimum but it was kinda sweet.

"I promise" I said and held out my pinky finger. He took it in his and we laughed. It truly felt like we were kids. The stealing alcohol, the pinky promises.

We arrived to my house before we could start to game. I led him to my living room and we sat there for a bit. Just talking about how unshockingly bad the party was.

"Oh yeah truths!" He randomly shouted and looked at me.

"Oh yeah okay, who's going first?" I asked

"The person that asks." He scoffed and he rubbed his beard to show that he was thinking.

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