Part 6

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Leo and I had been dating for about 2 weeks now. Everything was smooth sailing. Our relationship felt like a different genre of our friendship. We would sneakily flirt in the break room or sneak glances in meetings. It felt like no one knew but I'm sure everyone did.

"Hey you still coming over later?" Leo asked. It was just us in the break room.

"Yeah 'course." I replied and sat down. Going to his house was probably going to be the highlight of my week. We always enjoyed ourselves.

I sat up in my office till 5 looking forward to seeing him and I'm sure he felt the same way. Time had never gone so slowly.

"Hey you ready to go?" He poked his head through my doorway. I nodded and got my stuff together.

When we got back to his, we made dinner together.

This was something I could've done alone but I always loved being around him. Work was the worst. We weren't able to be us when we were surrounded.

"When can we tell people at work?" Leo asked and I giggled.

"You seriously wanna tell them?" I replied and his eyes widened.

"You don't?" He asked and I wasn't following. "We wouldn't have to hide and sneak around at the office.

He had a point.

"When do you want to tell everyone? Because I don't really wanna tell people. I'm more for 'if they know, they know' you know?" I asked and he agreed.

"Yeah that sounds better to be honest." He responsed as we finished eating.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked while taking the plate back to the kitchen.

"Sure." I smiled and moved to the living room. Every time I sat in there all I could think of was the time he fucked my throat.

He joined me shortly after and he let me decide what to watch. He was never really satisfied with my choices but he let me pick anyways.

The thought of our last encounter in this room weighed on my mind and I couldn't focus on the movie anymore.

Suddenly I felt his hand on my inner thigh. He knew what he was doing. And he knew I knew that. I looked at him and his eyes were glued to the tv. He thought he was being sly.

He lightly kissed my neck and that mixed with the thigh stroking were driving me wild.

"Mmm" I hummed and he smiled.

Leo pulled away and sat up. He placed me on his lap and I smiled down at him.

"You just can't help yourself can you?" I teased and he laughed.

"You were the horny one." He replied. How the fuck did he know?!

"Well now I am." I was trying to act as if I wasn't before.

He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I was getting wetter and wetter as everything went down.

I took my top off and I saw his lips gap when my bra followed. He always had the same reaction. As if he had never seen me like this.

His thumbs circled my nipples and I sighed in satisfaction.

"Take me to you room." I breathed out and he picked me up.

He walked to his room without disconnecting our lips and placed me on his bed. He smiled down at me and kissed me once more. He undressed himself and I smirked to myself.

Leo kissed down my neck while playing with my tits. I was left breathless when he finally sucked a nipple into his mouth. He licked and softly bit it as I tried to stifle my moans. I was so wet already.

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