Part 13

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Leo and I had just got back to his apartment after a long day at work. I had complained about small things that happened throughout the day but nothing major happened.

"How was your day babe? I've spoken enough." I asked and he sighed.

"James got on my last nerve, piling on but I couldn't do anything about it because he's name partner." He spoke with a tone of annoyance.

"Oh you should have told me, I would have came and helped you." I told him as he unlocked his front door.

"No you have a lot going on right now, I didn't want to bother. Anyway it's done." He reassured but he still clearly still clearly bothered by it.

"I'm sorry Leo, I'll give him a piece of my mind tomorrow." I joked and kissed him.

"No baby it's okay." He smiled when he pulled away. "I'll have to just get over it." He shrugged.

He looked so hot when he was mad.

"Take out on me." I whispered against his lips. I felt him smile and I matched his smile.

"Are you sure?"


"Go to the bedroom and get undressed." He spoke gently yet demanding still.

I kicked my heels off and walked to his bedroom with a smile on my face. On my way, I unbuttoned my blouse.

I stood at the foot of Leo's bed, undressing myself and getting excited just thinking about how he was gonna treat me.

When I was naked, I sat on the bed waiting for him. He emerged into the room and licked his lips hungrily.

He walked to his drawers and pulled out a vibrator. 'This is new.' I thought to myself but I wasn't opposed to it. When he walked towards he he exhaled deeply and stood beside the bed. He placed the vibrator beside me, on the bed and caught my lips in a heated kiss.

"Open your legs for me baby." He licked his lips and I instantly obeyed. He took the vibrator into his hand and leaned up.

"What are you going to do with it daddy?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm gonna play with that pretty pussy."

He he lightly dragged the vibrator up my leg slowly and leaned down to kiss me. Passionately. His other hand wrapped around my neck as he controlled the kiss.

When he pulled away, he turned the virbrator on. The buzzing against my legs gave me goosebumps and sent chills through my body. It was like I instantly melted when he touched me.

The low vibrations were making me wet and he hadn't even reached my heat yet. I maintained eye contact with him; he looked so fine in his suit. His lower lips caught between his teeth and eye's attentively watching me.

"You're already a mess baby." He told me and moved the vibrator to my pussy. I gasped quietly and pressed my lips together.

He reached his hand down and let his fingers pinch and tug on my nipples. My body responded instantly, jolting slightly as he gently massaged me.

"That feels so good-" I sighed and arched my back a little. My lips gapped.

"Yeah?" He asked and I quickly nodded.

I was only met with disappointment when he turned off the vibrator and stopped playing with my tits. I panted as if I had ran a marathon and he smiled.

"Kneel on the bed for me."

I hastily did as he said. Getting on my knees for him.

"What a good girl." He praised and turned the vibrator back on. He aligned it perfectly with my pussy and told me: "ride it," as he watched. I started rocking my hips back and forth, my wet pussy slid against the toy as I moaned and sighed. I closed my eyes as I took myself closer and closer.

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