Part 17

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"Baby we need to talk," Leo said as he sat beside me. I didn't really register what he said since I was reading. I just hummed in response and continued with my reading. "Ava seriously," he continued and I looked up at him.

"Huh? Sorry, I'm all yours now," I smiled and averted my attention to him.

"We need to talk," he repeated and I nodded slowly.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" I joked and he sighed.

"Of course not, it's got to do with work," he said and that's when I started to pay attention. I had been in the running for senior partner for months now. It was between me and another junior partner named Stephan. I never really liked him but then again I didn't like anyone at work.

Leo taking a serious tone while bringing it up made me a little nervous.

"They've finally come to a decision with who's making partner." He said lowly. I knew it was bad news.

"It's not me is it?" I asked. Leo's face told me everything I needed to know.

"Stephan is the new senior partner," he said and I sighed with exasperation. I honestly wasn't shocked. Even though I was better than him in all aspects, it's a man's world. Why wouldn't the middle-aged white man with 'more experience' get the promotion?

"They were never gonna give the woman the promotion. Why did I get my hopes up?" I exhaled as my eyes began to water. I never really let my sadness show but this really hurt. It was highly unlikely for me to get the job but I worked hard for it.

"Baby you know you deserved it. Way more than him," he sighed and hugged me tight. He kissed my head and calmed me down as I vented to him. "If it were up to me you definitely would have made partner." He told me as he comforted me.

"I just wish it was based on merit," I told him while I cried. "He's gonna be shit, I said what I said," I rolled my eyes and reached over for a napkin to dry my eyes. Leo laughed at my comment and did a good job comforting me for the rest of the night.

I was lucky that it was Friday night and I had the weekend to mentally recover. Leo did everything he could to make sure I was feeling better. He stayed at my apartment and took care of me over the weekend.

By the time Monday rolled around, I was feeling a bit better about the situation. Still annoyed but working was always my favourite distraction. As soon as I got to my office I worked nonstop. I barely took a break and by the time I noticed the time it was nearly 20:00. I checked my phone and saw a message from Leo saying he would be in a meeting until 20:30.

I responded and told him I'd wait for his meeting to end before leaving. I was already working late so why not? I assumed he wouldn't see my text until the meeting ended so I went to the kitchen and made myself some tea. I wandered around the office for a while before ending up outside Stephen's new office.

'That should be mine.' I thought to myself as I looked into his office through the floor-to-ceiling windows. I was filled with jealousy, no matter how much I tried to deny it.

"How are you doing babe?" I heard Leo say and he hugged me from behind. I turned my head and saw his faint smile that always managed to ease my mind.

"I'm okay, I got so much done today. How about you? How was the meeting?" I spoke in response and rested my head on his chest.

"I'm glad you had a productive day," he said and kissed my head. "The meeting was good, we got to discuss a lot," Leo told me. "It's just us left in the office by the way. Everyone's gone home." He said and a magnificent thought came to mind. I smiled mischievously to myself and turned around.

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