Part 11

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Leo and I were at a company dinner with the rest of our firm. I needed to close a deal. Unfortunately it was with my ex.

Things didn't end badly so I felt comfortable talking to him. Everyone at the firm knew Alex was my ex. But were in different places now so I wasn't beside myself.

Not many people at the office knew were dating so when Leo noticed me talking to him he had to hide his distaste as best as he could.

I was being a little flirty but it was harmless. I did what I had to do to get the deal closed.

A few hand grazes and touches on the arm couldn't hurt anyone, right? Wrong. Leo was pissed.

He was watching me closely and I felt the need to talk to him. Try and calm him down.

"Hey are you alright?" I asked genuinely.

"Yeah I'm great, just let me know when you're finished throwing yourself at your ex so we can go." He bitterly spoke and I sighed.

"Throwing myself at my ex?!" I asked and looked around to make sure no one was listening to us. "You know that means nothing, right?" I asked trying to make sure he wasn't actually mad.

"Of course I know it means nothing but I really don't like that. It's so-"

"So what?" I whisper shouted cutting him off. Were we really gonna argue about this? And in public?

"Nothing, we'll talk in the car." He spoke and I rolled my eyes. I had never seen him seriously upset.

"I'm not a kid you know. You don't own me."I bitterly retorted.

"Yeah well don't forget who you call daddy at night." After that comment I saw red. Yes he had been drinking, we both had but who gave him the right to talk to me like that.

"You're being so childish right now. You know what, fuck you. You're such an asshole." I cursed and stormed off.

I took a swig of champagne and went back to my client to close that deal. Of course I did and as soon as I had done what I needed to do I left. Not forgetting to take a glass of champagne with me.

I stood outside in the cold waiting for my Uber to arrive when I saw Leo rushing out. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him.

"You're not going home alone." He spoke and it took everything in me to no answer back. But I failed.

"You don't own me Leo. I can make my own way home. Plus you've been drinking, I'm not getting in the car with you."

We were both drunk. Arguing that this wasn't on my to do list for the night and if I knew he'd be this angry I wouldn't have done it.

"Okay let me go with you. I wanna make sure you get home okay."

"Oh now you care?" I snapped as my cab pulled up. He sighed in frustration and I got in the car.

I was so pissed off but more upset with myself for doing it in the first place. Then I remembered how he spoke to me and my anger levels rose above my sadness.

By the time I had got home I wasn't drunk anymore. I just wanted one last drink and sleep. That's all I needed. But when I got into my building, I saw Leo waiting for me at my door.

"Oh be so for real right now." I groaned and fiddled with my keys. I pushed him out of the way so I could get to the lock but he barely moved. I could tell he wanted to laugh but he was suppressing that with his annoyance.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright. We never fight. Let's just make things right." He was speaking rationally now and I was open to the idea of hearing him out.

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