Part 8

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I was getting bored. Leo was doing some extra work at the kitchen table and I had finished mine a while before. I was staying at his so I took a shower and changed into my pyjamas which consisted of one of his hoodies and shorts. He loved seeing me in his clothes. We both found it cute.

"Leo, come to bed." I whined and sat on his lap. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I have to get this done and then I'm all yours." He replied and tried to avert his attention back to his work. Before he could, I leaned down and kissed him. It was meant to be quick but we got carried away.

"Baby-" he mumbled against my lips.

"Hmm?" I hummed innocently and pulled away to look at him.

"I gotta get my work down." He sighed. I knew deep down he was over the work he had to do. There was always tomorrow.

"It's getting late though babe." I whined and he smiled up at me.

"Give me like 15 minutes." He bargained and I shook my head before leaning in to kiss him again. This time it was slightly rougher. I wanted his attention and I was ready to do anything to get it.

I was grinding my hips creating the tension we suddenly craved. I felt his length hardening as my hips moved in a circular motion and I knew there was no way he was going back to his work now.

We pulled apart and I slowly got off his lap. He shuffled his chair back to make space for me and i knelt between his legs. I stroked up his thigh while looking up at him. He had a smirk on his face.

"You're so sexy baby." He breathed out and licked his lips while I took his shorts off. His dick hit his stomach and I bit my lip.

I reached out and took his length in my hand. I spat on it and started to pump up and down.

"Do you want my mouth daddy?" I asked softly and he exhaled deeply.

"No teasing baby." He sighed and I smiled smugly.

"Yes or no daddy?" I met his gaze and he nodded.

"Yes baby." He exhaled and I smiled. I licked his tip before spitting on his length again and taking him into my mouth. Never breaking eye contact.

My head bopped up and down cautiously, getting used to the feeling of his length in my mouth and taking my time. He groaned in pleasure as I picked up the pace. I wrapped my hands around his cock and started jerking it while sucking. My hands and mouth moved in coordination to fully satisfy him.

"Oh fuck." He grunted lowly.

I was getting so wet over the whole situation. I reached into my shorts and felt my drenched entrance. I spread the wetness to my clit and rubbed slowly. I closed my eyes, already making a mess. He quickly noticed.

"Are you playing with yourself baby?" He asked. I didn't want to take him out of my mouth so I opened my eyes and nodded. "Fuck that's so hot." He smirked.

Leo suddenly placed his hands on my head and guided it up and down his length, fucking my throat as I fingered my pussy. I circled my clit faster.

"Oh shit baby I'm cumming." He groaned and went faster. I matched his pace with my fingers. I was so close.

I was left a mess when I finally came. My eyes rolled back as my hips jolted and my legs started to shake.

His cum shot down my throat and I moved my hand from pussy to jerk his length. I took him out of my mouth and swallowed his seed.

"You're such a good girl baby." He groaned while trying to catch his breath. He took my hand and I stood up. He slowly took my shorts off and guided me onto his lap.

"Take this off." I whined and tugged his shirt. He smiled at me and teasingly lifted his shirt. More and more of his perfect body was revealed to me and my breathing quickened.

I took my hoodie off and my bra followed. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me again. Feverishly. He kissed down my neck leaving hickeys as I whined and gasped at the feeling.
He pulled away and took a nipple into his mouth.

"Mmm." I hummed as his tongue swirled around my nipple. His other had kneaded my other breast. He pinched and tugged on it teasingly, making me whimper and moan for him. He lightly bit and nibbled on my other nipple and I cried out in satisfaction.

"Ride me baby." He whispered when he pulled away. I placed my hand in his shoulder to hold myself up and took his cock I'm my other hand. I sank down on his length, gasping at the feeling of him filling me up. He hummed in satisfaction as I moved. Raising myself up before sinking back down again slowly.

He held me close as I fucked myself on his dick. Our foreheads were pressed together as we looked into each other eyes. Satisfied moans escaped my lips as I picked up the pace. I was dying for a release already and I was sure he could tell.

"Fuck you feel so good daddy." I cried out and tilted my head back. My tits were in his face and he took advantage of that. One hand stayed on my hip while the other made its way to my sensitive nipples.

"Yes." I panted out feeling myself being taken to the edge. "I'm so close daddy." I whined and he hummed.

"Keep going if you cum," He breathlessly spoke and I looked down at him with confusion written on my face.

"Daddy-" I whined and he met my gaze. I couldn't keep going after relieving myself.

"You're already doing so well, just keep going for me baby." He praised and I nodded . "Good girl." I heard him say and I fell forwards to lean my head on his shoulder. My movements began to slow down as I tried my best to ward off my orgasm, he stroked my head and held me closer.

"Keep going baby, you're making me so proud." He whispered in my ear and I nodded, I loved it when he praised me. I picked up the pace again and whined softly. My eyes started to tear up as I felt myself getting to the edge again.

I was considering just cumming and riding out my orgasm but I knew I wouldn't have been able to do that. I felt Leo's hands all over my body. Gripping on my ass and hips to guide my drenched pussy up and down his length.

"Fuck daddy I'm gonna cum!" I moaned regardless of what was to cum afterwards.

"Are you sure baby?" He asked, making sure it's what I wanted to do and I nodded in response. "Say it baby." He groaned. He was getting close himself.

"Yes daddy." I breathed out, speeding up a little more and chasing my orgasm.

"Fuck cum for me baby." He grunted and it was like I fell apart. I became a mess. Moaning and swearing as I coated his dick with my cum. Tears streamed down my face as the most intense pleasure coursed through me.

"Shit yes!" I cried out as I tried to keep going. My pussy clenched around his cock and he let out a low groan. His cum shot out of his dick and inside me as my legs shook and my sloppy movements became sloppier.

I tried my best to carry on and prolong his orgasm but the overstimulation started to set in. I quietly moaned and cried next to his ear as our cum mixed together creating a mess beneath us.

"Baby, you did so well. You can stop." He spoke and I slowed down before completely stopping. My sensitive pussy throbbed around his thick cock. He groaned below me before helping me off his dick.

I stayed on his lap and sat up, evidently fucked out and he kissed me slowly.

"Are you alright baby?" He asked and kissed me again.

"I'm good leo." I laughed and looked at him. "You don't always have to be concerned when we're finished you know." I told him and he nodded.

"I know, I just don't wanna hurt the girl I love." He spoke out and I froze. Love?

"You love me?" I exclaimed and smiled widely.

"Yes I do love you." He said as if it was nothing. We had never said that before. And I wasn't sure if I loved him until that moment. Hearing him say it made me feel good inside. And I wanted him to feel the same.

"I love you too." I replied and kissed him. He smiled against my lips and picked me up to take me to the bathroom.

"You love me." I smiled and he laughed.

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