Part 5

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I left before Leo fell asleep. After our brunch we spent literally the whole day together. Our activities went on until the evening and we just stayed up talking. We were both clearly tired but we enjoyed eachothers company.

The only problem was he did a number on me. My ass was red and marked up. My thighs were also red and very sore. My whole body was sore to be honest. I wasn't sure how I'd be able to go about my day like this. Fuck him. Not literally.

I knew he was probably feeling the opposite of what I was feeling. The sex was great. Amazing. But he quite literally ruined me and it definitely wasn't going to be the last time. He probably woke up feeling wonderful whereas I woke up struggling to walk. Oh well. 'At least I didn't leave him unmarked.' I thought to myself as I remembered seeing scratches on his back.

I went down to the breakfast buffet and sat next to Leo. He was sitting with some of our other coworkers and when they got up he turned his head to me.

"You scratched my back." He whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Well you should see my fucking ass and thighs carbón." I shot back. I figured since we were in Spain-

"Are they that bad?" He asked genuinely concerned and I smirked.

"No but still." I downplayed it and got up to get a plate. He stayed seated and continued eating his food. I caught myself staring at his jaw and instantly snapped out of it. It's not my fault he got though.

We ate and chatted with our colleagues until it was time to go to the business convention. I really didn't wanna go but free alcohol hey. I wasn't gonna get drunk of course but liquid courage always helped me in situations like these.

I hated talking to new people. It felt like a chore so I stuck with Leo practically the whole time. We joked and spoke about everyone there. Bitching was always fun.

When it was over, I went to my room and got ready for dinner. Another company dinner. Again free booze. Except this time I could get at least tipsy. We had a late start tomorrow so everything was in place.

When I sat down, my best friend texted me to see how I was.

"Girl how's Spain??!?"

"Weather's beautiful." I bragged

"I'm having a blast." I added

"Good to hear! Any hot guys?"

"Just Leo." I texted and she sent her shock through a series of emojis.


"No fucking way🤭"

"You guys fucked didn't you?" She stated and my cheeks started to heat up.

"It was probably the best sex I've had in my life." I replied and I could just see her face through the phone.

"You say that every time."

"But shit okay🤭🤭🤭"

I was smiling at my phone when I realised I had to get off. My boss was trying to talk to me.

"Babe I gotta go. My boss is next to me." I replied and out my phone away.

I spoke with my boss until it was time to finally eat. I was starving.

The courses came out and I saw Leo at the other side of the room. His phone was in his hand and I wanted to know who he was texting.

Shortly after he put his phone down, I pulled mine out to check if I had any messages.

One from him.

"I just realised, I didn't get to taste you yesterday." He had a way with his words.

Those words alone got me flustered. I'm sure he could tell from where he was sitting.

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