Part 7

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I was sitting in Leo's office waiting for him to finish up his work so he could drop me home. He was pretty focused so I just let him get to it.

Boredom was starting to set in. He was taking his time but I couldn't complain. He had word to do.

He looked up at me and sighed.

"I'm so done. Let's just go." It was like he read my mind.

"Are you sure you don't wanna finish?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah I can just do it tomorrow." He sighed and got up.

He walked towards me and leaned down to kiss me before getting his jacket. Every time he was that close to me I would suddenly feel hot. Not to mention the flashbacks. He was so attractive it drove me crazy.

"Come back." I spoke out softly and he smiled. He walked back over and I stood up so I could kiss him again.

The kiss got heated very quickly and I pulled away.

"Remember where we are?!" I asked slightly embarrassed at the amount of pda I was engaging in.

"You're the one who kissed me!" He replied and laughed. I hit his arm and we left to his car.

The kiss had me flustered but there was nothing I could do about it. So I did my best to bury the thought.

We rode back to my house listening to music and talking about our days. Everything was going smoothly till I felt his hand on my thigh. I looked at him with a smirk on my face.

"I keep thinking about the other night." He said and looked to me. "Are you a good boy?" He added and I became embarrassed.

"You know you liked it-" I replied trying to put up a front and he laughed.

"Of course I did. It was hot." He said and moved his hand higher on my thigh.

"But I wanna remind you who's in charge." He smugly breathed out and pulled up in front of my apartment.

"Why don't you show me?" I responded and he gave me a boyish smile. He leaned in a kissed me before asking if he could come inside. That's when I remembered my flatmate was home.

His face lit up as if he had a stroke of genius.

"Get in the back." He said with a smile on his face and I instantly caught on.

"We can't fuck in the back!" I replied laughing but in slight shock. "What of someone sees?" I added and he looked out of the window.

"Number one, no one's outside. Number two, the windows are tinted and number three- no one's outside?" He tried to reassure.

"Leo..." I really did want to. It would be fun.

"We don't have to if you don't want to though." He smiled.

"And let you go home with a hard on? No way." I chuckled and got into the back seat.

He followed and locked the door behind him. He didn't hesitate to kiss me. Though it was heated it felt gentle. It was passionate. I pulled away and I pushed my skirt up to my hips before taking my underwear off. I slid a finger through my folds and was surprised by how wet I was.

He took his trousers off and his boxers followed. I held onto his shoulders and straddled him. His hands gripped onto my waist and he looked up at me.

"You sure you want to?" He asked with a slight tone of concern. I started grinding on his bare length. Coating his dick with my wetness and he groaned beneath me.

"Is that a good enough answer?" I asked trying to stifle my moans.

"I just wanna Fuck you senseless babe" He breathed out. My movements came to a halt.

"Then do it." I encouraged. I didn't care if my ass was red after or if was sore. I loved it when he was rough.

"No baby not in the car." I pouted at his response. Slightly disappointed but it didn't have to be rough all the time.

I leaned down and started kissing his neck. He sighed in satisfaction and I started sliding my wet folds on his dick again. I was already getting close.

"I just wanna ruin you baby." He whispered in my ear and I leaned up.

"Why don't you?" I asked and looked dead in the eye. I knew he was thinking about what he did at the hotel but I loved it.

"Next time." He spoke out and I stopped grinding.

He took his cock into his had and gave it a few pumps before pulling me closer. I felt his tip at my entrance and I let out a needy whine.

When he started to push in I gasped in satisfaction. The feeling of his dick stretching me out was indescribable.

I sank lower and lower till he had filled me up and tilted my head back for a moment. It felt insanely good to just sit on his length. I wanted to take my time. If only he knew how he made me feel. He probably did.

"That feels so good." I breathed out and looked at him. I started to roll my hips as we both let out the lewdest noises.

His hands stayed on my hips. Guiding them as I felt myself lose control. I wanted to feel him more. I needed to.

I started bouncing in his dick steadily yet greedily. Leo groaned and rested his head against the seat. He watched my facial expression twist into the most intense pleasure. My mouth hung open as I went faster. Setting the pace. My hands gripped on his shoulders while I bounced on his cock.

I felt his hand leave hip and grab my ass. He it squeezed firmly before slapping it. I clenched around his length and he hissed at the change in pleasure.

"Fuck, daddy." I whimpered and he smiled up at me. I leaned down and buried my face in the crook of his neck, moaning softly in his ear as he held my close.

Suddenly, Leo started thrusting upwards. Pounding into me and my movements stopped, allowing him to have his way with me. I gasped and whimpered. He was enjoying every moment of it.

His hands were wrapped around my waist as he continued fucking me. Hearing him grunt and groan was driving me wild. Even when I was on top he found a way to take control and I loved it.

His thrusts got faster and deeper and I was barely keeping it together.

"Daddy-" I whispered and he groaned lowly. I felt like I was in edge. My pussy was clenching around his thick length as I felt myself getting closer and closer.

"Cum baby. Cum for me." He urged and I let go. My body seeped into that familiar pleasure he never failed to give me. Nails digging into his shoulders as he kept fucking me, chasing his orgasm. I could barely speak. I creamed all over his cock as he went deeper and deeper. Grunting lowly before he finally came.

"Oh yes." He groaned as his thrusts slowed down. My pussy throbbed around his dick as we caught our breaths.

He helped me off his lap and sat in the seat next to him.

"That was amazing." He breathed out while getting tissue from the glove box. We wiped ourselves clean. The windows had fogged over and when I noticed I laughed as I got ready.

I leaned in and kissed him briefly and he smiled. I didn't want to leave him just yet.  He held me close to him and we sat in a comfortable silence.

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